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History of education includes the histories of individual schools or school types and/or teaching methods and materials.
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Sesqui-centennial History of Maine's Educational System and the Growth and Development of the Maine State Department of Education.
Digital versions of selected schoolbooks and a catalog of many additional texts.
Museum at Northern Illinois University which also publishes the Blackwell Electronic Journal of Education History.
Student compiled reports on various aspects of the history of American education.
Histories of individual schools, summaries of school board minutes from 1887 to 1969
A scholarly society devoted to research in the history of education mainly with a UK focus. Information provided about membership of the society, its conferences, publications and activities.
The school year following the Little Rock Central High School Crisis has been named the "Lost Year," when 3,665 public high school students and their teachers were denied public education.
Centennial history (1832-1932) of Parsonsfield Seminary, one of the pioneering institutions of secondary education in New England. Describes curriculum, school culture and noteworthy teachers, students and founders, with illustrations.
Describes the religious roots of educational institutions.
Companion website to the PBS documentary series on the history of American educations.
Sesqui-centennial History of Maine's Educational System and the Growth and Development of the Maine State Department of Education.
Describes the religious roots of educational institutions.
Digital versions of selected schoolbooks and a catalog of many additional texts.
The school year following the Little Rock Central High School Crisis has been named the "Lost Year," when 3,665 public high school students and their teachers were denied public education.
Museum at Northern Illinois University which also publishes the Blackwell Electronic Journal of Education History.
Centennial history (1832-1932) of Parsonsfield Seminary, one of the pioneering institutions of secondary education in New England. Describes curriculum, school culture and noteworthy teachers, students and founders, with illustrations.
Companion website to the PBS documentary series on the history of American educations.
A scholarly society devoted to research in the history of education mainly with a UK focus. Information provided about membership of the society, its conferences, publications and activities.
Histories of individual schools, summaries of school board minutes from 1887 to 1969
Student compiled reports on various aspects of the history of American education.
Last update:
May 11, 2019 at 6:25:07 UTC
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