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Exposes the shooting industry's use of decoy birds in cruel Larsen traps and multi-traps to kill magpies, rooks, crows and jackdaws.
Local sabbing, plus staffing a stall outside the Guildhall on Saturdays, fundraising and maintaining the group vehicles. Cambridge.
Sabbing diary plus information on tactics and hunting. An HSA club operating mainly in Northamptonshire, but also Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire, Beds, and Bucks.
A member of the Hunt Saboteurs' Association describes a day's activity in Kent.
Information about hunting with hounds and the disregard of the law banning it.
LACS campaigns and lobbies politicians against hunting with hounds, shooting, falconry, snaring, hare coursing, terrier work and the Grand National horse race. Neutral on angling because different people take different positions on it. News and politics, events, wildlife sanctuary, membership information, online shop and job vacancies.
Campaign site to ban snaring in the UK includes news, actions and the downloadable report 'The Case for a Ban on Snares' from The National Federation of Badger Groups. West Sussex.
Fixture cards (most Saturdays), sabbing diary, information on the local hunts and hunting, press releases, Legal booklet and Tactics booklet (including coursing, shooting, angling, traps and snares). HSA club based in Manchester.
A group of volunteers that monitor and prevent wildlife crime in and around the Thames Valley area.
Southampton based Animal Welfare Group campaigning against the illegal and unfair hunting of animals.
Sabbing diary plus information on tactics and hunting. An HSA club operating mainly in Northamptonshire, but also Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire, Beds, and Bucks.
Southampton based Animal Welfare Group campaigning against the illegal and unfair hunting of animals.
A group of volunteers that monitor and prevent wildlife crime in and around the Thames Valley area.
Information about hunting with hounds and the disregard of the law banning it.
Campaign site to ban snaring in the UK includes news, actions and the downloadable report 'The Case for a Ban on Snares' from The National Federation of Badger Groups. West Sussex.
A member of the Hunt Saboteurs' Association describes a day's activity in Kent.
Fixture cards (most Saturdays), sabbing diary, information on the local hunts and hunting, press releases, Legal booklet and Tactics booklet (including coursing, shooting, angling, traps and snares). HSA club based in Manchester.
LACS campaigns and lobbies politicians against hunting with hounds, shooting, falconry, snaring, hare coursing, terrier work and the Grand National horse race. Neutral on angling because different people take different positions on it. News and politics, events, wildlife sanctuary, membership information, online shop and job vacancies.
Local sabbing, plus staffing a stall outside the Guildhall on Saturdays, fundraising and maintaining the group vehicles. Cambridge.
Exposes the shooting industry's use of decoy birds in cruel Larsen traps and multi-traps to kill magpies, rooks, crows and jackdaws.
Last update:
December 2, 2022 at 11:52:26 UTC
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