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Voices for America’s Children is a nonpartisan, national organization committed to speaking out for the well-being of children at the federal, state and local levels of government. Since 1984, Voices has supported child advocates nationwide who have achieved public policy victories for children in early education, health, juvenile justice, child welfare, tax and budget decisions and other areas.
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New York City's oldest city-based, multi-issue child advocacy organization. This site offers alerts and facts about kids in NYC.
Seeks improvements in public policy and public systems that address the needs and rights of children in Kansas. Media center, advocacy tools, and legislative updates.
An independent voice for Kentucky's children with strategies including research and analysis, case advocacy, public education, administrative negotiation, legislative monitoring, and class-action litigation.
Promotes the well being of children, youth, and families. Legislative alerts, anti-poverty campaigns, and media resources.
Uses advocacy to improve the lives of children in Nebraska. Children's agenda, publications, calendar, and resources.
Promotes sound, far-reaching program and policy solutions, focusing on early care and education, health care, family economic success, and foster care and adoption.
Promotes the well-being of children and families in Wisconsin by advocating for effective and efficient health, education, and human service delivery systems.
Uses advocacy to improve the lives of children in Nebraska. Children's agenda, publications, calendar, and resources.
An independent voice for Kentucky's children with strategies including research and analysis, case advocacy, public education, administrative negotiation, legislative monitoring, and class-action litigation.
Promotes the well-being of children and families in Wisconsin by advocating for effective and efficient health, education, and human service delivery systems.
Promotes the well being of children, youth, and families. Legislative alerts, anti-poverty campaigns, and media resources.
Promotes sound, far-reaching program and policy solutions, focusing on early care and education, health care, family economic success, and foster care and adoption.
Seeks improvements in public policy and public systems that address the needs and rights of children in Kansas. Media center, advocacy tools, and legislative updates.
New York City's oldest city-based, multi-issue child advocacy organization. This site offers alerts and facts about kids in NYC.
Last update:
February 25, 2023 at 3:45:10 UTC
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