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A non-profit organization. An alternative to the weight-centered approach. A movement working to promote size acceptance, to end weight discrimination, and to lessen the cultural obsession with weight loss and thinness.
Britain's largest site for size acceptance in the UK including news items, information, picture galleries and a site forum to voice you views.
A not-for-profit group which works to change people's attitudes about body size. Consumer advocacy in the areas of medical treatment, job discrimination, and media images.
Promotes size acceptance and fights size discrimination throughout the world by means of advocacy and visible, lawful actions.
A Tulsa based organization where people of size can feel at home. Hosts meetings and social events for people of size and those who admire them.
NAAFA is a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA has been working since 1969 to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support.
A support, social and networking organization for lesbians of size. Local and National events, national conference and quarterly newsletters.
Fighting for size acceptance in Southern California through activism as a civil rights issue to make all aware of size acceptance.
A non-profit organization. An alternative to the weight-centered approach. A movement working to promote size acceptance, to end weight discrimination, and to lessen the cultural obsession with weight loss and thinness.
Promotes size acceptance and fights size discrimination throughout the world by means of advocacy and visible, lawful actions.
Britain's largest site for size acceptance in the UK including news items, information, picture galleries and a site forum to voice you views.
A Tulsa based organization where people of size can feel at home. Hosts meetings and social events for people of size and those who admire them.
Fighting for size acceptance in Southern California through activism as a civil rights issue to make all aware of size acceptance.
A support, social and networking organization for lesbians of size. Local and National events, national conference and quarterly newsletters.
A not-for-profit group which works to change people's attitudes about body size. Consumer advocacy in the areas of medical treatment, job discrimination, and media images.
NAAFA is a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA has been working since 1969 to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support.
Last update:
August 6, 2023 at 7:15:05 UTC
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