Related categories 1
Sites 4
Campaign reports and articles about Dane County's cost of living and wages.
Long term sustainable development through The Living Wages North and South Initiative (TLWNSI), a corporate social responsibility program for gradual wage equalization.
National network of student groups working to end sweatshops and other labor abuses.
A new study shows higher incomes from 'living wage' outweigh the cost in job losses. From the Christian Science Monitor.
(March 15, 2002)
National network of student groups working to end sweatshops and other labor abuses.
Campaign reports and articles about Dane County's cost of living and wages.
Long term sustainable development through The Living Wages North and South Initiative (TLWNSI), a corporate social responsibility program for gradual wage equalization.
A new study shows higher incomes from 'living wage' outweigh the cost in job losses. From the Christian Science Monitor.
(March 15, 2002)

Last update:
November 19, 2022 at 6:25:07 UTC

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