Sites 80
Includes crime prevention, recruiting, and branches details.
The Akwesasne Mohawk Nation is a territory that includes Ontario, New York State and Quebec borders. Features mission statement, information about programs and services and events.
Contains department history, philosophy, tips and bylaws. Manitoba.
Provides information on the Anishinabek Police Service detachments which provides policing services to many First Nation communities throughout Ontario.
Greater Vancouver Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team (IMPACT)'s view of the Bait Car program. Includes videos of thefts, car theft prevention tips, and blog. British Columbia.
Provides general information about operations, auxiliary, community services and recruiting contacts. Ontario.
Features history, news, crime prevention information and events calendar. Ontario.
Policing Canada's largest First Nations reservation, in Standoff, Alberta. Includes mission statement, profile of the Chief of Police and members, recruitment details and photos.
Canada's law enforcement magazine. Digital edition and archives are online. Subscription information.
Contains annual report, crime prevention brochures and cold case files. Ontario.
Contains annual reports, news and events and history. Nova Scotia.
Policing community services, operations, programs and activities, and local crime statistics. Ontario.
Features Chief's message, news, events, annual reports and traffic unit details. Alberta.
Contains administration details, crime stoppers cases, crime statistics, forms and applications. Alberta.
Advocacy organization promoting progressive change in policing through conferences, advocating legislative reforms, information sharing.
Pays tribute to the fallen peace officers who have been killed in the performance of their duties. The association maintains a Roll of Honour and conducts memorial services on Parliament Hill honouring both fallen peace and police officers.
A non profit, non-political affiliation of peace officers employed in the handling and training of service dogs in Canada.
About collaboration and partnerships to meet the needs of members and address training issues in the police or law enforcement industry of Canada.
Serving southern Vancouver Island, on the Saanich Peninsula. Includes chief's message, career opportunities, community services details and news. British Columbia.
Contains chief's message, history and information on the units that make up the force and court and services forms and details. Ontario.
Maintains and enhances the safety and security of Kawartha Lakes communities. Includes media releases and community policing programs. Ontario.
Provides services overview, safety tips and chief's message. Ontario.
Contains history, map of the service area, and organizational, news and volunteer information. Cobourg, Ontario.
Offers an organizational chart, kids area, tips, news and program details. Ontario.
News, information, sections, history, pipe band, community police stations, victim services, problem oriented policing. British Columbia.
Features media releases, objectives, kids and teen sections, research, statistics, traffic management and information on specialized units. Ontario.
Includes a profile of the community and police service, mission statement, FAQ and links. Saskatchewan.
Exists to serve First Nation police services and territories across the country, facilitating professionalism and accountability in a manner that reflects the unique cultures, constitutional status, social circumstances, traditions and aspirations of First Nations. Includes mission statement, executive officers, membership application and publications.
Contains board meeting information, photo gallery, honour roll and the volunteer auxiliary unit. Ontario.
Contains overview of community programs, services details, history and careers. Ontario.
Includes information about the service, media releases, publications, and links. Ontario.
Contains division information, crime files, information about safety and crime prevention and the mounted patrol unit. Ontario.
Provides information about various sections and programs of the police force, history and mission statement, crime statistics, upcoming events and FAQ. New Brunswick.
Information about unsolved mysteries, community policing initiatives, crime statistics and recent press releases. Ontario.
Features news, events, statistics and FAQ. Ontario.
Includes summary of services, recruitment information and divisions. Alberta.
Includes history, background check information, and services details. Ontario.
Contains overview, goals, and information about personnel, recruitment and equipment.
Provides information on the services, advice, articles and crime statistics. Alberta.
Includes message from Chief of Police, announcements and career application. Saskatchewan.
Includes board minutes, crime prevention projects, history and FAQ. British Columbia.
Information on services, crime prevention, safety tips, news releases and most wanted posters. British Columbia.
Official site with details of law enforcement organization in the Niagara Region and links to education programs, news of current investigations, advice on safety and accident prevention, and benefits of community involvement in crime prevention. Ontario.
The organization serves 35 First Nation communities in the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Territory, from the Manitoba border up the James Bay Coast to the Quebec border. Includes services details and news. Thunder Bay, Cochrane, and Sioux Lookout, Ontario.
Contains news, recruitment information, reports, and video tour. Ontario.
Contains community projects in crime prevention and safety, history and events in Victoria, British Columbia.
Information and resources related to policing in Ontario.
A policing and law enforcement unit with a mandate to facilitate the disruption and suppression of organized crime. Contains history and contact information.
Includes information on services provided, FAQs, media centre, links, and contact information. Ontario.
Provides information on history, statistics, community services and kids area. Ontario.
Services, most wanted list, media releases and crime stoppers information. Ontario.
Includes chief's message, recent cases, division information and news. Ontario.
Provides mission statement, history, community service details, photo gallery and screening program fees. Ontario.
Features information on sectors and divisions, news and crime prevention tips. British Columbia.
Provides history, news, program information and FAQ. Saskatchewan.
Program information, frequently asked questions and recruitment details. Saskatchewan.
RCMP, Canada's national police authorities.
The Canadian national police service and an agency of the Ministry of Public Safety Canada. It is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. Contains history, badges and insignia details, fact sheets and information on the Musical Ride.
A community oriented department offering a variety of investigative, preventative, and community policing programs. British Columbia.
Contains community safety tips, news, unsolved cases, forms, business plan and fee schedule. Ontario.
Features chief's message, recruitment information, services details and case files. Saskatchewan.
Information includes meeting times, organization chart, job opportunities, statistics and news releases. Ontario.
Provides information and resources about the service and other community related services for residents and visitors to the town of Smiths Falls, Ontario. Includes news, safety tips and information on the hockey team and patches and badges.
Polices the Town of Innisfil, and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Ontario. Provides safety tips, service map, strategic plan and kids section.
Serving Mount Currie and Lillooet, British Columbia. Provides a community based service that reflects the St'at'imc people. Includes values statement, FAQ and news and events details.
Overview of services provided, inspectors report and links to child safety sites.
Provides a profile of the service, community involvement, news and employment opportunities. Ontario.
One of Canada's largest police agencies. Includes news, community safety tips, careers and program information. Ontario.
Contains history, information on divisions and community policing programs. Nova Scotia.
Established to ensure safety and security on and around public transportation in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia. Includes overview, chief's message, news, events and FAQ.
Establishing a traditional system of policing and justice for the Treaty #3 Nation, in northern Ontario and eastern Manitoba. Includes chief's message, mission statement, programs information and photo gallery. Kenora, Ontario.
One of 9 self-administered First Nation police services located in the province of Ontario. Contains chief's message, history, mission statement, and information on community policing. M'Chigeeng First Nation.
Contains history, photos and news for this rural Manitoba community.
Information from the police department. Includes recruiting, frequently asked questions, events, media releases, and other general details. British Columbia.
Gives information about employment opportunities, police and community relations, services, contacts, Crime Stoppers and information about unsolved crimes. Ontario.
Includes mission statement, board member profiles, news and wanted posters. British Columbia.
Featuring news releases, recruiting information, and board meeting agendas and minutes. Windsor, Ontario.
Provides chief's message, history, bylaws and crime statistics. Manitoba.
Contains department profile, chief's message, events and news. Ontario.
Includes history, district information, standards, memorials and online services. Ontario.
Advocacy organization promoting progressive change in policing through conferences, advocating legislative reforms, information sharing.
The Akwesasne Mohawk Nation is a territory that includes Ontario, New York State and Quebec borders. Features mission statement, information about programs and services and events.
A non profit, non-political affiliation of peace officers employed in the handling and training of service dogs in Canada.
Contains department history, philosophy, tips and bylaws. Manitoba.
Provides information about various sections and programs of the police force, history and mission statement, crime statistics, upcoming events and FAQ. New Brunswick.
Canada's law enforcement magazine. Digital edition and archives are online. Subscription information.
Contains overview, goals, and information about personnel, recruitment and equipment.
About collaboration and partnerships to meet the needs of members and address training issues in the police or law enforcement industry of Canada.
One of Canada's largest police agencies. Includes news, community safety tips, careers and program information. Ontario.
News, information, sections, history, pipe band, community police stations, victim services, problem oriented policing. British Columbia.
Contains history, information on divisions and community policing programs. Nova Scotia.
Features history, news, crime prevention information and events calendar. Ontario.
Overview of services provided, inspectors report and links to child safety sites.
Contains history, photos and news for this rural Manitoba community.
Provides history, news, program information and FAQ. Saskatchewan.
Featuring news releases, recruiting information, and board meeting agendas and minutes. Windsor, Ontario.
Features news, events, statistics and FAQ. Ontario.
Includes message from Chief of Police, announcements and career application. Saskatchewan.
Features Chief's message, news, events, annual reports and traffic unit details. Alberta.
Information includes meeting times, organization chart, job opportunities, statistics and news releases. Ontario.
Includes mission statement, board member profiles, news and wanted posters. British Columbia.
Contains history, map of the service area, and organizational, news and volunteer information. Cobourg, Ontario.
A policing and law enforcement unit with a mandate to facilitate the disruption and suppression of organized crime. Contains history and contact information.
Provides information on the services, advice, articles and crime statistics. Alberta.
Establishing a traditional system of policing and justice for the Treaty #3 Nation, in northern Ontario and eastern Manitoba. Includes chief's message, mission statement, programs information and photo gallery. Kenora, Ontario.
Established to ensure safety and security on and around public transportation in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia. Includes overview, chief's message, news, events and FAQ.
Provides mission statement, history, community service details, photo gallery and screening program fees. Ontario.
Information about unsolved mysteries, community policing initiatives, crime statistics and recent press releases. Ontario.
Contains overview of community programs, services details, history and careers. Ontario.
Serving Mount Currie and Lillooet, British Columbia. Provides a community based service that reflects the St'at'imc people. Includes values statement, FAQ and news and events details.
RCMP, Canada's national police authorities.
Includes a profile of the community and police service, mission statement, FAQ and links. Saskatchewan.
Includes history, background check information, and services details. Ontario.
Contains community projects in crime prevention and safety, history and events in Victoria, British Columbia.
Includes information about the service, media releases, publications, and links. Ontario.
Features chief's message, recruitment information, services details and case files. Saskatchewan.
Offers an organizational chart, kids area, tips, news and program details. Ontario.
Provides general information about operations, auxiliary, community services and recruiting contacts. Ontario.
Pays tribute to the fallen peace officers who have been killed in the performance of their duties. The association maintains a Roll of Honour and conducts memorial services on Parliament Hill honouring both fallen peace and police officers.
Contains community safety tips, news, unsolved cases, forms, business plan and fee schedule. Ontario.
Contains annual report, crime prevention brochures and cold case files. Ontario.
Contains news, recruitment information, reports, and video tour. Ontario.
Provides a profile of the service, community involvement, news and employment opportunities. Ontario.
Greater Vancouver Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team (IMPACT)'s view of the Bait Car program. Includes videos of thefts, car theft prevention tips, and blog. British Columbia.
A community oriented department offering a variety of investigative, preventative, and community policing programs. British Columbia.
Includes summary of services, recruitment information and divisions. Alberta.
Includes board minutes, crime prevention projects, history and FAQ. British Columbia.
Contains department profile, chief's message, events and news. Ontario.
Serving southern Vancouver Island, on the Saanich Peninsula. Includes chief's message, career opportunities, community services details and news. British Columbia.
Information from the police department. Includes recruiting, frequently asked questions, events, media releases, and other general details. British Columbia.
Contains annual reports, news and events and history. Nova Scotia.
Includes history, district information, standards, memorials and online services. Ontario.
Contains chief's message, history and information on the units that make up the force and court and services forms and details. Ontario.
Program information, frequently asked questions and recruitment details. Saskatchewan.
One of 9 self-administered First Nation police services located in the province of Ontario. Contains chief's message, history, mission statement, and information on community policing. M'Chigeeng First Nation.
Gives information about employment opportunities, police and community relations, services, contacts, Crime Stoppers and information about unsolved crimes. Ontario.
Polices the Town of Innisfil, and the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Ontario. Provides safety tips, service map, strategic plan and kids section.
Policing Canada's largest First Nations reservation, in Standoff, Alberta. Includes mission statement, profile of the Chief of Police and members, recruitment details and photos.
Contains administration details, crime stoppers cases, crime statistics, forms and applications. Alberta.
Provides services overview, safety tips and chief's message. Ontario.
The organization serves 35 First Nation communities in the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Territory, from the Manitoba border up the James Bay Coast to the Quebec border. Includes services details and news. Thunder Bay, Cochrane, and Sioux Lookout, Ontario.
Contains division information, crime files, information about safety and crime prevention and the mounted patrol unit. Ontario.
Maintains and enhances the safety and security of Kawartha Lakes communities. Includes media releases and community policing programs. Ontario.
Information on services, crime prevention, safety tips, news releases and most wanted posters. British Columbia.
Policing community services, operations, programs and activities, and local crime statistics. Ontario.
Features information on sectors and divisions, news and crime prevention tips. British Columbia.
Features media releases, objectives, kids and teen sections, research, statistics, traffic management and information on specialized units. Ontario.
Provides information and resources about the service and other community related services for residents and visitors to the town of Smiths Falls, Ontario. Includes news, safety tips and information on the hockey team and patches and badges.
Provides chief's message, history, bylaws and crime statistics. Manitoba.
Contains board meeting information, photo gallery, honour roll and the volunteer auxiliary unit. Ontario.
Includes information on services provided, FAQs, media centre, links, and contact information. Ontario.
Services, most wanted list, media releases and crime stoppers information. Ontario.
Includes chief's message, recent cases, division information and news. Ontario.
Official site with details of law enforcement organization in the Niagara Region and links to education programs, news of current investigations, advice on safety and accident prevention, and benefits of community involvement in crime prevention. Ontario.
Provides information on history, statistics, community services and kids area. Ontario.
The Canadian national police service and an agency of the Ministry of Public Safety Canada. It is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. Contains history, badges and insignia details, fact sheets and information on the Musical Ride.
Provides information on the Anishinabek Police Service detachments which provides policing services to many First Nation communities throughout Ontario.
Includes crime prevention, recruiting, and branches details.
Exists to serve First Nation police services and territories across the country, facilitating professionalism and accountability in a manner that reflects the unique cultures, constitutional status, social circumstances, traditions and aspirations of First Nations. Includes mission statement, executive officers, membership application and publications.
Information and resources related to policing in Ontario.
Other languages 1

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March 13, 2023 at 3:59:34 UTC

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