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Society Lifestyle Choices Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism is practiced by humans who don't eat animal flesh or by-products. Some practice this because they don't believe in killing living beings for food. Others don't eat meat because of the health benefits. The sub-categories at the first level are for specific aspects of vegetarianism such as recipes or how to become vegetarian, and the lower level lists categories about opinions and social aspects of avoiding meat.
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Vegetarian and vegan recipes, discussion boards, articles, information from medical doctors, experts and nutritionists, and a community of people who share an interest in health, diet and the planet.
Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition.
Providing news, videos, vegan recipes, and information about the positive impacts that a vegetarian diet can have on animals, the environment, and your health.
Hosted by Toni Avtges and produced in Portland, Maine, cooking and lifestyle series featuring a culinary style that's casual and Mediterranean.
Promoting a vegetarian diet and giving reasons not to eat meat, ranging from health concerns to animal rights. Quotes from famous vegetarians.
Community message board for vegetarians and vegans, or anyone who is just interested in the meat-free lifestyle. Contains mainly recipes, and questions and answers on vegetarian/vegan food.
Contains information and news for vegetarians and vegans.
Recipes designed to help people reduce their consumption of meats and saturated fat. From Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Includes news and links.
Lists many (mainly British) beers and whether or not they are suitable for vegetarians.
Covers vegetarianism history, associations and dishes.
Registered charity present news, recipes, events calendar, and educational material.
Online companion to the magazine.
Lists hundreds of tips and mini-facts relating to vegetarianism, vegans, health, nutrition, animal welfare, environment, and recipes.
Monthly web magazine featuring vegan and vegetarian dining, shopping, and reading. Includes cooking advice, recipes, farmers' markets, yellow pages and links to vegetarian sites.
Vegetarian and vegan recipes, discussion boards, articles, information from medical doctors, experts and nutritionists, and a community of people who share an interest in health, diet and the planet.
Providing news, videos, vegan recipes, and information about the positive impacts that a vegetarian diet can have on animals, the environment, and your health.
Recipes designed to help people reduce their consumption of meats and saturated fat. From Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Promoting a vegetarian diet and giving reasons not to eat meat, ranging from health concerns to animal rights. Quotes from famous vegetarians.
Monthly web magazine featuring vegan and vegetarian dining, shopping, and reading. Includes cooking advice, recipes, farmers' markets, yellow pages and links to vegetarian sites.
Community message board for vegetarians and vegans, or anyone who is just interested in the meat-free lifestyle. Contains mainly recipes, and questions and answers on vegetarian/vegan food.
Includes news and links.
Lists many (mainly British) beers and whether or not they are suitable for vegetarians.
Registered charity present news, recipes, events calendar, and educational material.
Hosted by Toni Avtges and produced in Portland, Maine, cooking and lifestyle series featuring a culinary style that's casual and Mediterranean.
Lists hundreds of tips and mini-facts relating to vegetarianism, vegans, health, nutrition, animal welfare, environment, and recipes.
Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition.
Online companion to the magazine.
Covers vegetarianism history, associations and dishes.
Contains information and news for vegetarians and vegans.

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Last update:
October 14, 2023 at 5:15:13 UTC
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