Fighters category devoted to fighters of different countries.Here you can find different kind of information,technical and images for example.
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Subcategories 24
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Color photos and journal entries from a former F-86 Sabre jet fighter pilot who served in Korea, 1953-54, at K-14, Kimpo airbase with the 336th FIS the Rocketeers.
Duxford -Europe's premier collection of Fighter aircraft.
Fact sheets and pictures sorted by year.
History, deployment and technical data of the most built aircraft after World War II. [English and German languages.]
Duxford -Europe's premier collection of Fighter aircraft.
History, deployment and technical data of the most built aircraft after World War II. [English and German languages.]
Fact sheets and pictures sorted by year.
Color photos and journal entries from a former F-86 Sabre jet fighter pilot who served in Korea, 1953-54, at K-14, Kimpo airbase with the 336th FIS the Rocketeers.
Last update:
October 13, 2023 at 5:25:15 UTC
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