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Society People College Life
This is a collection of web pages created by college students, professors and alumni. Sites in this category should be about the college experience. If your site is about general life, your dog, your hobbies or other topics not related to your college experience, please submit them elsewhere. You might try Personal Homepages . Sites do not necessarily need to be hosted on the University server, but MUST be about the author's life at college.
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His current courses, projects, and past projects. Student at New Mexico State University.
Information about interests and activities. MASc student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto.
Samples of original music, improvisation, and writing. Musings on science and technology, art, machine learning and philosophy.
A student at the International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad, India. Includes projects, research on attack signatures and worm propagation, and a resume.
Online survival guide for anyone graduating college, leaving their parents' house, or entering the real world for the first time.
Looks at college life at Dana College. Several organizations are featured.
Links to articles, image gallery, academic proposals, biography. University of Houston student.
Information about protein crystallography, structural biology, India and Tamil language by a student at Florida State University.
Population dynamic models, science philosophy papers and teaching materials of various science and technology disciplines for Bogor Agricultural Institute Graduate Program as well as for the public.
Online survival guide for anyone graduating college, leaving their parents' house, or entering the real world for the first time.
Looks at college life at Dana College. Several organizations are featured.
Samples of original music, improvisation, and writing. Musings on science and technology, art, machine learning and philosophy.
Information about interests and activities. MASc student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto.
A student at the International Institute of Information Technology in Hyderabad, India. Includes projects, research on attack signatures and worm propagation, and a resume.
His current courses, projects, and past projects. Student at New Mexico State University.
Population dynamic models, science philosophy papers and teaching materials of various science and technology disciplines for Bogor Agricultural Institute Graduate Program as well as for the public.
Links to articles, image gallery, academic proposals, biography. University of Houston student.
Information about protein crystallography, structural biology, India and Tamil language by a student at Florida State University.

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Last update:
October 14, 2023 at 6:55:07 UTC
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