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This category is for Home Pages whose owners' names begin with M.

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Software developer and music store owner. Includes personal information, photographs, a diary, music, and politics.
Includes computer science degree projects, personal details, and contact information.
Includes photos, family tree, jokes and links.
Contains personal information, employment, and links.
Includes news, Trance music, and links.
Singer, song writer, and guitarist. My home on the web. Interests include music, sports, and computers.
Video game art, on-line portfolio, gallery 3d pictures, Palm and Visor software, files for classes (gibbs), personal pictures, information on body piercing.
Contains personal information, photographs, and links.
Hockey, political views, computers and Final Fantasy.
Includes a resume and a portfolio.
Photo galleries of his journeys to Africa and Asia, information about his hometown of Nowy Sącz, humanitarian organizations, and links to friends' websites and blogs.
Pictures and information on her daughters.
Includes chat, technical reference documents, and online music sharing.
Poems, pc reviews and tips, pictures, Panasonics barkada, e-mail a friend, and resume.
Information and photos of relatives and friends.
Raytraced graphics from the collection Mental Terraforming (Ver 1.0) and Windows wallpapers by Reality's Successor Software.
The Meat Locker, Home of Big Meaty Dave. Johns Hopkins student extraordinaire.
Includes cartoons, humour, and fiction.
Insight to the life of Hin Man. Photo weblog covering events in Fremont, California, United States.
Includes photo gallery, biographies and information on vacations.
Student from Sri Lanka. Includes personal information, and his favorite links.
Includes personal information and pictures.
Includes a variety of personal information.
Images and thoughts from Liguria, Italy.
Includes games and thoughts.
Poetry, short stories, an introduction to doodle creation Cylence, and a fun list of what if band names.
Images from "The Pillow Book," animations, photo galley, resume, and links.
The HeartLine. A personal site reflecting family, friendships, causes, and fun endeavors.
Includes personal information, photographs, writings, and software.
Pictures, jokes, games, and information on the 2002 World Cup.
Weblog, resume and information on some open source projects he maintains.
Contains personal information and activities.
Resume, portfolio, photo album and music.
About his girlfriend, school, karate, and favorite links.
Categorized pictures, thoughts, and links to friends.
A weblog covering a variety of topics, short stories, and a sample of poems from his published book.
Contains details of his education, interests, and jobs.
Diaries from China and Korea, ideas and opinions, essays, articles, poetry, drawings, personal information, resume, and links.
Information on his school life, friends, and links.
Poetry, writings, computer information, music, science fiction and fantasy, and links.
Features technology writing, illustration, and comics.
Photographs of friends and family.
Pictures, links and content about their family and daughter, Madison.
About her life experience in vegetarianism, Ayurveda, meditation, India, travel, diet, her new CD and ask her questions.
Leads to material on mathematical research - games and logic and mathematics education.
Personal information, photo album, and favorite links.
Information on piano teaching, graphic design, photo repair, technical drawing, and several other hobbies.
Includes pictures, a resume, and a travel weblog.
Includes philosophical essays, filk music, and a weblog.
Photo album, resume, rants and opinions, and links.
Includes personal information, quotations, and pictures.
A Ph.D. student at McGill University in Canada. Includes his research interests, publications, current research, software projects, classes taken, teaching experience, and links.
Biography, resume, picture, humor, and links.
Information about the couple and their dog, pictures of their wedding and house, resume, and the story of how they met.
Music critic and University of Iowa professor. Includes his music reviews, art, academic work, and sound collages.
Retired Chief of the United States Coast Guard. Features biographical information focusing on the author's career, with photos.
Former coloratura soprano opera singer, singer with LA-based circus troupe Cirque Bezerk, unpublished author and voice over artist. Includes news, biography, and weblog.
Biography, photos, thoughts, poetry, and links.
Mickey Spee. Many photos from the Indiana section of the McSpadden family. Also some personal history.
Weblog covering developments in entertainment delivered on computers and online.
Resume and information on software and website development.
Software developer with strong interest in component frameworks and distributed/concurrent programming. Also contains Open Source projects and a digital photo album.
This personal site relates to various subjects, a.o. software, electronics, travels, books and games.
Photographs and videos of Pachino. Spiritual materials and spiritual quotes.
Includes games, personal information, and a resume.
Photographs, contact information, and links.
Contains articles and personal journal related to Magic: the Gathering, the NBA, and other interests.
Contains images of a selection of art, personal information, ceramics links and contact details.
Information about badminton, mathematics, books lists, graphics work, Photo album, Warhammer and Baldur's Gate.
Contact details, genealogy, research work, and organic agriculture information.
Biographical information, including personal and family photos. Toys, games and comics.
Weblog, personal information, and curriculum vitae. From Sarpsborg, Norway.
Selected publications from the Professor of Philosophy, University at Albany, New York.
Features material for the VMS/openVMS operating system, documentation and utilities for the PSION EPOC/Sibo range of personal digital assistants (PDAs), letters to the CRTC with regards to throttling and bicycling and aviation photos and stories.
Publications, essays and personal information from the University of Alberta researcher.
Includes pictures, a weblog, and links.
Information on writing, places, family and area histories, genealogy, and stories of interest to the author. Includes a history of the Aroostook War, and the Civil War, as it affected the author's family.
She is a singer, activist and poet. Her homepage includes personal information, her resume, and links.
Contains links, literature, and software.
Contains news, contact information, and information about his profession and personal life.
Computer Science lecturer at the University of Hull, United Kingdom. Includes diaries of his travels, details of systems he's interested in, and a weblog.
Homepage of financier and philanthropist Michael (Mike) Milken, including biography, speeches, articles, photo album, and links.
About her, family, friends and places that she has been.
Islamic links, flash animations and movies, and photographs.
Professional and personal facts, a curriculum vitae, images, descriptions of current projects, and contact information.
A site to get his life on the highway, a small site that tells the world who he is.
Information on the "All Your Base" craze, humor, Japanese resources, resume, schedule, photos, and links.
Information about and photographs of Leila, her life and her ferrets.
Excerpts of Marcel Proust and other authors. Plus words by myself.
Wedding photos, travel memories, and information on favourite music.
Collection of recipes, his musical interests, and computing.
Tripod based chats and message boards.
Pure Royalty's Poetry Castle. Poetry, experiences, humor and life.
What he has contributed to the net.
Includes personal information, family, pets, and hobbies.
Entertainment news, optical illusions and personal information.
Fat Bob's Place. A personal homepage.
Farming in Batavia with pictures of wildlife, family, and friends, along with Yahoo photo album.
Information and thoughts on his life, friends, pictures, and links.
Pages on sports, pictures of Blake and friends, and links.
Includes personal information, a resume, friends, hobbies, and links.
Experienced Manager of the operational, administrative and business aspects of engineering, project and field offices in Phoenix, Arizona. Owner/Operator of Moon Valley Computer Mosher - Johnson Genealogy
Troubles, worries and woes of the webmaster.
Win Amp skins, illustrations, computer graphics, and links.
Brief description of career and interests, a list of books, and some links.
Personal site dedicated to his interests, including: digital photography, professional, technical, personal, and Christian resources.
Collection of essays, resume and published articles.
Travelogue, photos, genealogy.
Information about Siradj, his home town, chat room, and links.
Includes personal information, music, and movies. personal web site.
Includes downloads and dogs.
Contains personal information and links.
Pictures, webcam and guestbook.
Biography, interests, business, and contact information.
Neurosurgeon at the Christian Medical College Hospital in India. Home, work, family, and links.
Family and friends photos along with personal information on College Park, Maryland.
Photographs from events and travels, resume, and weather statistics.
A Ph.D. student at McGill University in Canada. Includes his research interests, publications, current research, software projects, classes taken, teaching experience, and links.
Personal information, photo album, and favorite links.
Weblog covering developments in entertainment delivered on computers and online.
Biography, interests, business, and contact information.
Features material for the VMS/openVMS operating system, documentation and utilities for the PSION EPOC/Sibo range of personal digital assistants (PDAs), letters to the CRTC with regards to throttling and bicycling and aviation photos and stories.
Wedding photos, travel memories, and information on favourite music.
Images and thoughts from Liguria, Italy.
Contains articles and personal journal related to Magic: the Gathering, the NBA, and other interests.
Weblog, personal information, and curriculum vitae. From Sarpsborg, Norway.
Includes downloads and dogs.
Computer Science lecturer at the University of Hull, United Kingdom. Includes diaries of his travels, details of systems he's interested in, and a weblog.
Contains personal information and links.
Contains personal information, employment, and links.
Pages on sports, pictures of Blake and friends, and links.
Information about the couple and their dog, pictures of their wedding and house, resume, and the story of how they met.
Former coloratura soprano opera singer, singer with LA-based circus troupe Cirque Bezerk, unpublished author and voice over artist. Includes news, biography, and weblog.
Contains news, contact information, and information about his profession and personal life.
Categorized pictures, thoughts, and links to friends.
Photographs and videos of Pachino. Spiritual materials and spiritual quotes.
Includes a variety of personal information.
A weblog covering a variety of topics, short stories, and a sample of poems from his published book.
Images from "The Pillow Book," animations, photo galley, resume, and links.
Win Amp skins, illustrations, computer graphics, and links.
Weblog, resume and information on some open source projects he maintains.
Features technology writing, illustration, and comics.
Information on writing, places, family and area histories, genealogy, and stories of interest to the author. Includes a history of the Aroostook War, and the Civil War, as it affected the author's family.
Diaries from China and Korea, ideas and opinions, essays, articles, poetry, drawings, personal information, resume, and links.
Neurosurgeon at the Christian Medical College Hospital in India. Home, work, family, and links.
This personal site relates to various subjects, a.o. software, electronics, travels, books and games.
Photo galleries of his journeys to Africa and Asia, information about his hometown of Nowy Sącz, humanitarian organizations, and links to friends' websites and blogs.
Fat Bob's Place. A personal homepage.
Resume and information on software and website development.
Poetry, writings, computer information, music, science fiction and fantasy, and links.
Insight to the life of Hin Man. Photo weblog covering events in Fremont, California, United States.
Professional and personal facts, a curriculum vitae, images, descriptions of current projects, and contact information.
Contains images of a selection of art, personal information, ceramics links and contact details.
Includes computer science degree projects, personal details, and contact information.
About her, family, friends and places that she has been. personal web site.
A site to get his life on the highway, a small site that tells the world who he is.
Information about Siradj, his home town, chat room, and links.
What he has contributed to the net.
Hockey, political views, computers and Final Fantasy.
The Meat Locker, Home of Big Meaty Dave. Johns Hopkins student extraordinaire.
Mickey Spee. Many photos from the Indiana section of the McSpadden family. Also some personal history.
Student from Sri Lanka. Includes personal information, and his favorite links.
Pictures and information on her daughters.
Pictures, jokes, games, and information on the 2002 World Cup.
Software developer and music store owner. Includes personal information, photographs, a diary, music, and politics.
Includes philosophical essays, filk music, and a weblog.
Includes personal information, photographs, writings, and software.
Includes personal information, quotations, and pictures.
Includes pictures, a resume, and a travel weblog.
Contains personal information, photographs, and links.
Includes personal information, a resume, friends, hobbies, and links.
Video game art, on-line portfolio, gallery 3d pictures, Palm and Visor software, files for classes (gibbs), personal pictures, information on body piercing.
Includes photos, family tree, jokes and links.
Includes photo gallery, biographies and information on vacations.
Includes pictures, a weblog, and links.
Raytraced graphics from the collection Mental Terraforming (Ver 1.0) and Windows wallpapers by Reality's Successor Software.
Includes personal information, family, pets, and hobbies.
She is a singer, activist and poet. Her homepage includes personal information, her resume, and links.
Brief description of career and interests, a list of books, and some links.
Music critic and University of Iowa professor. Includes his music reviews, art, academic work, and sound collages.
Pictures, webcam and guestbook.
Resume, portfolio, photo album and music.
Information on piano teaching, graphic design, photo repair, technical drawing, and several other hobbies.
Publications, essays and personal information from the University of Alberta researcher.
Entertainment news, optical illusions and personal information.
Poetry, short stories, an introduction to doodle creation Cylence, and a fun list of what if band names.
About his girlfriend, school, karate, and favorite links.
Retired Chief of the United States Coast Guard. Features biographical information focusing on the author's career, with photos.
Includes personal information, music, and movies.
Software developer with strong interest in component frameworks and distributed/concurrent programming. Also contains Open Source projects and a digital photo album.
Biographical information, including personal and family photos. Toys, games and comics.
Islamic links, flash animations and movies, and photographs.
Information about and photographs of Leila, her life and her ferrets.
Travelogue, photos, genealogy.
Information about badminton, mathematics, books lists, graphics work, Photo album, Warhammer and Baldur's Gate.
About her life experience in vegetarianism, Ayurveda, meditation, India, travel, diet, her new CD and ask her questions.
Collection of essays, resume and published articles.
Pure Royalty's Poetry Castle. Poetry, experiences, humor and life.
Includes news, Trance music, and links.
Includes cartoons, humour, and fiction.
Includes personal information and pictures.
Contains personal information and activities.
Includes games and thoughts.
Contains links, literature, and software.
Includes a resume and a portfolio.
Includes games, personal information, and a resume.
Personal site dedicated to his interests, including: digital photography, professional, technical, personal, and Christian resources.
Selected publications from the Professor of Philosophy, University at Albany, New York.
Information on the "All Your Base" craze, humor, Japanese resources, resume, schedule, photos, and links.
Information and photos of relatives and friends.
Collection of recipes, his musical interests, and computing.
Contact details, genealogy, research work, and organic agriculture information.
Contains details of his education, interests, and jobs.
Family and friends photos along with personal information on College Park, Maryland.
Farming in Batavia with pictures of wildlife, family, and friends, along with Yahoo photo album.
Includes chat, technical reference documents, and online music sharing.
Photographs, contact information, and links.
Information on his school life, friends, and links.
Information and thoughts on his life, friends, pictures, and links.
Photographs from events and travels, resume, and weather statistics.
Biography, photos, thoughts, poetry, and links.
Photographs of friends and family.
Photo album, resume, rants and opinions, and links.
Biography, resume, picture, humor, and links.
Tripod based chats and message boards.
Troubles, worries and woes of the webmaster.
Singer, song writer, and guitarist. My home on the web. Interests include music, sports, and computers.
Experienced Manager of the operational, administrative and business aspects of engineering, project and field offices in Phoenix, Arizona. Owner/Operator of Moon Valley Computer Mosher - Johnson Genealogy
Homepage of financier and philanthropist Michael (Mike) Milken, including biography, speeches, articles, photo album, and links.
The HeartLine. A personal site reflecting family, friendships, causes, and fun endeavors.
Excerpts of Marcel Proust and other authors. Plus words by myself.
Poems, pc reviews and tips, pictures, Panasonics barkada, e-mail a friend, and resume.
Pictures, links and content about their family and daughter, Madison.
Leads to material on mathematical research - games and logic and mathematics education.

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May 27, 2023 at 5:55:10 UTC
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