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Offers to female graduate students in Canada to assist them with university studies which will qualify them for careers which will improve the quality of women's lives. Includes board of directors, newsletters, history, and application forms.
Includes a list of clubs in the region and their service and fundraising activities, newsletter and board contact information.
Covers Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Includes purpose and goals, history, officers and committees, clubs, and member information.
Includes a list of clubs in the region and their service and fundraising activities, newsletter and board contact information.
Covers Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Includes purpose and goals, history, officers and committees, clubs, and member information.
Offers to female graduate students in Canada to assist them with university studies which will qualify them for careers which will improve the quality of women's lives. Includes board of directors, newsletters, history, and application forms.
Last update:
February 16, 2022 at 23:07:46 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: South Dakota: Localities: S: Sioux Falls: Business and Economy: Animals
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel