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Parodies of Wittgenstein (Tractatus Fuselagico-Umbilicus, Philosophical Tribulations) and Heidegger; some serious articles and book reviews on Wittgenstein.
Eclectic collection of serious and humorous academic disciplines, including student philosophical howlers.
Everything you ever wanted to know about fish on bikes and how they have enriched our lives.
Randomly generated quotation and image combinations with the intent of producing a "quick and dirty" philosophy.
A world domination organization dedicated to the overthrow of all current world governments and the establishment of a totalitarian, Trotskyist, extremely bureaucratic new world government through political world domination.
By Dean Zimmerman.
Links to articles collected by David Chalmers.
The ultimate question but what is the answer? Post your solution here.
Humorous quiz game modelled after "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." Also includes The Philosophy Generator.
By Dean Zimmerman.
Links to articles collected by David Chalmers.
Humorous quiz game modelled after "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." Also includes The Philosophy Generator.
A world domination organization dedicated to the overthrow of all current world governments and the establishment of a totalitarian, Trotskyist, extremely bureaucratic new world government through political world domination.
Parodies of Wittgenstein (Tractatus Fuselagico-Umbilicus, Philosophical Tribulations) and Heidegger; some serious articles and book reviews on Wittgenstein.
Randomly generated quotation and image combinations with the intent of producing a "quick and dirty" philosophy.
The ultimate question but what is the answer? Post your solution here.
Everything you ever wanted to know about fish on bikes and how they have enriched our lives.
Eclectic collection of serious and humorous academic disciplines, including student philosophical howlers.
Last update:
February 16, 2023 at 14:15:14 UTC
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