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Magazines, journals and newspapers that are published by a socialist group or supporters of a socialist tendency. Also, non-line independent publications that are either explicitly socialist in their mandate or carry articles by socialists.
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Independent magazine of the green and radical left, featuring links to progressive sites worldwide. Published in Britain.
Left political, social, and cultural commentary from Australia. Offers a quarterly magazine with more in-depth articles, and a free weekly online journal with briefer writings.
A magazine supporting the British Labour Party's democratic socialist left. Selected current and archived articles, editorial policy, subscription information, and related links offered online.
Archives of the radical socialist magazine published in the US in the 1930s by Albert and Vera Weisbord who were leading communist radicals of the time and leaders of the Communist League of Struggle 1931-37.
Quarterly magazine of politics and ideas, cultivating the next generation of labor journalists, cultural critics, and political polemicists. Edited by Michael Kazin.
Legendary American publication, in English and Yiddish. Jewish news, the arts, opinion.
Published in print and on the Web twice a month. Offers perspectives on current events from a left-of-center viewpoint.
Bimonthly journal published by the International Socialist Organization (US).
The Irish Democrat is the bi-monthly newspaper of the Connolly Association.
Newspaper of the US group Socialist Alternative. Affiliated with the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI).
An independent leftist review of European Affairs. Selection of articles are published online. Correspondents include Gregor Gysi and Boris Kagerlitzky.
A newsletter on economics and politics.
An Australian "international journal of socialist renewal." A forum for open and constructive dialogue between active socialists from different political traditions. Published by the Democratic Socialist Party.
Published by the British section of the International Bolshevik Tendency.
U.S. socialist newsweekly published by the Socialist Workers Party. Coverage concentrates on union news and Cuba. [English, Spanish and French]
U.S. Marxist-Humanist journal founded in 1955 by Raya Dunayevskaya (1910-1987).
A publication of the Communist Party USA and designed to appeal to the broad left.
An online Marxist theoretical journal. Selected articles and links available.
Historical and materialist analysis of a wide range of cultural, political and ideological issues.
The theoretical magazine of the Socialist Party (England and Wales) which is a section of the Committee for a Workers' International. Socialist Today covers current events from a socialist perspective. Lynn Walsh is editor.
A monthly Marxist journal, published in the interests of the working class by the Socialist Workers Organization.
Weekly newspaper of the Socialist Workers Party (Britain).
Independent magazine of the green and radical left, featuring links to progressive sites worldwide. Published in Britain.
Left political, social, and cultural commentary from Australia. Offers a quarterly magazine with more in-depth articles, and a free weekly online journal with briefer writings.
The Irish Democrat is the bi-monthly newspaper of the Connolly Association.
An Australian "international journal of socialist renewal." A forum for open and constructive dialogue between active socialists from different political traditions. Published by the Democratic Socialist Party.
A publication of the Communist Party USA and designed to appeal to the broad left.
Quarterly magazine of politics and ideas, cultivating the next generation of labor journalists, cultural critics, and political polemicists. Edited by Michael Kazin.
U.S. socialist newsweekly published by the Socialist Workers Party. Coverage concentrates on union news and Cuba. [English, Spanish and French]
Legendary American publication, in English and Yiddish. Jewish news, the arts, opinion.
The theoretical magazine of the Socialist Party (England and Wales) which is a section of the Committee for a Workers' International. Socialist Today covers current events from a socialist perspective. Lynn Walsh is editor.
A newsletter on economics and politics.
Archives of the radical socialist magazine published in the US in the 1930s by Albert and Vera Weisbord who were leading communist radicals of the time and leaders of the Communist League of Struggle 1931-37.
Newspaper of the US group Socialist Alternative. Affiliated with the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI).
Historical and materialist analysis of a wide range of cultural, political and ideological issues.
Published by the British section of the International Bolshevik Tendency.
U.S. Marxist-Humanist journal founded in 1955 by Raya Dunayevskaya (1910-1987).
A magazine supporting the British Labour Party's democratic socialist left. Selected current and archived articles, editorial policy, subscription information, and related links offered online.
Bimonthly journal published by the International Socialist Organization (US).
Weekly newspaper of the Socialist Workers Party (Britain).
An independent leftist review of European Affairs. Selection of articles are published online. Correspondents include Gregor Gysi and Boris Kagerlitzky.
An online Marxist theoretical journal. Selected articles and links available.
A monthly Marxist journal, published in the interests of the working class by the Socialist Workers Organization.
Published in print and on the Web twice a month. Offers perspectives on current events from a left-of-center viewpoint.

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