Often times, our own tempers are our worse enemies. This category is dedicated to presenting resources for managing anger in a controlled, healthy way. If you have problems managing your anger, please learn more about how to control it.
A good definition of the various forms of anger is presented on a Seven Deadly sins site, and is quoted here:
A strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism.
An intense emotional state induced by displeasure. ANGER, the most general term, names the reaction but in itself conveys nothing about intensity or justification or manifestation of the emotional state. IRE, more frequent in literary contexts, may suggest greater intensity than anger, of with an evident display of feeling. RAGE suggests loss of self-control from violence of emotion. FURY is overmastering destructive rate that can verge on madness. INDIGNATION stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean, or shameful. WRATH is likely to suggest a desire or intent to revenge or punish."
Source: The seven deadly sins at http://members.tripod.com/RaelM/Anger.html
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Sites 9
Offers anger and stress management classes for adults, adolescents, businesses and court referrals. They also offer workshop programs, home study courses and professional training.
Offers tips and techniques for anger control and management. Contains articles, tips and contact details.
A free Anger Management Test scored on-line. Evaluates the ability to deal with anger in various types of situations.
Explanations about anger and a self-test on the anger in your life.
Offers workshops and programs to reduce anger, resentment and violence. Includes articles, statistics and reviews.
Advice from RealHope.com, a commercial site offering a marriage manual and workshops.
Help to improve relationships and work out anger in positive ways.
Crisis intervention, aggression prevention and violence restraint. A comprehensive and sensible approach to reducing violence. Targets health care and educational environments.
A model for positive social change and evolution.
Help to improve relationships and work out anger in positive ways.
Offers workshops and programs to reduce anger, resentment and violence. Includes articles, statistics and reviews.
A free Anger Management Test scored on-line. Evaluates the ability to deal with anger in various types of situations.
Offers tips and techniques for anger control and management. Contains articles, tips and contact details.
Offers anger and stress management classes for adults, adolescents, businesses and court referrals. They also offer workshop programs, home study courses and professional training.
Advice from RealHope.com, a commercial site offering a marriage manual and workshops.
Explanations about anger and a self-test on the anger in your life.
A model for positive social change and evolution.
Crisis intervention, aggression prevention and violence restraint. A comprehensive and sensible approach to reducing violence. Targets health care and educational environments.

Last update:
November 27, 2018 at 14:35:06 UTC

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