Buddhist teachings on the subject of morality, which is traditionally referred to in Buddhism as "sila."
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Sites 7
A bibliographic introduction.
Extensive sutra analysis of Buddha's teaching on respecting one's parents.
The basic concepts of Buddhist morality.
An explanation of the Precepts by Robert Aitken Roshi.
Quotes from Therevada sources on daily life, organized by topic.
Topics include: good and evil, marriage, divorce, birth control and abortion, suicide, war, military service, mercy killing, killing for self protection, stealing from the rich to feed the poor, extramarital sex, white lies, intoxicants.
Sila (virtue, moral conduct) is the cornerstone upon which the entire Noble Eightfold Path is built. The practice of sila is defined by the middle three factors of the Eightfold Path: Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood.
Quotes from Therevada sources on daily life, organized by topic.
Extensive sutra analysis of Buddha's teaching on respecting one's parents.
The basic concepts of Buddhist morality.
Sila (virtue, moral conduct) is the cornerstone upon which the entire Noble Eightfold Path is built. The practice of sila is defined by the middle three factors of the Eightfold Path: Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood.
Topics include: good and evil, marriage, divorce, birth control and abortion, suicide, war, military service, mercy killing, killing for self protection, stealing from the rich to feed the poor, extramarital sex, white lies, intoxicants.
A bibliographic introduction.
An explanation of the Precepts by Robert Aitken Roshi.

Last update:
May 3, 2016 at 21:29:46 UTC

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