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Apologetics (apologetics): (1) systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine); (2) a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the divine origin and authority of Christianity. ~1999 by Merriam-Webster, Inc. -- Christianity is worth thinking about. The word "apologetics" comes from the Greek word "apologia", which means, roughly, "a verbal defense, a speech in defense." Thus, the famous defense which Socrates gave of himself before the people of Athens is recorded in one of Plato's dialogues called "The Apology." The word "apologia" occurs in the Greek New Testament in the following passages: Acts 22:1 & 25:16; 1 Corinthians 9:3; 2 Corinthians 7:11; Philippians 1:7, 16; 2 Timothy 4:16; 1 Peter 3:15. Generally, apologetics is that discipline which seeks to provide a rational defense of the truth of a given system of belief. People who practice apologetics are called apologists or apologetes. Systems of belief as diverse as Christianity, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheism can all have their own versions of apologetics. Christian apologetics, then, is that branch of Christian theology which seeks to provide a rational defense of the truth of the Christian faith. (adapted from THE APOLOGETICS LIST, found at
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Articles, audio lectures, documents, e-books, and FAQs defending Christianity. Site also features a store and seminar schedules.
Site sponsored by the C S Lewis Society and the Trinity College of Florida and including articles, resources and bookstore aiming to cover issues such as Darwinism and the reliability of Scripture from a Biblical perspective.
Weekly apologetics reports by e-mail and a quarterly newsletter, information referral hotline, and moderated e-mail discussion list.
Articles on science, The Way International, and miscellaneous topics; downloadable document on several different biblical issues; and answers to the top five questions people ask about the Bible. Also includes recommended resources and links.
Resources on philosophy, science, and history from a physics graduate. Articles, book reviews, and annotated links.
Articles on presuppositional apologetics, the Bible, Calvinism, eschatology, and politics; theological discussion forum and online book store.
Answers to questions about life, faith, creation, worldviews, and contemporary issues. Movie, television, game, and book reviews; children's features, games.
Searchable archive of articles, recommended resources, information on subscribing to the Christian Research Journal, and Real Player version of the "Bible Answer Man" radio program.
Resources primarily aimed at those seeking a more sophisticated understanding of theological issues. Includes a "Hallway of Questions," extended topical studies, philosophical explorations, and thoughts on the Christian experience.
Bruce D. McLaughlin argues that classical logic represents the truth of God, and that sound reason is the foundation of the Christian faith. Online book, newsletter, and links.
Answers to questions on salvation, the Bible, and other common issues. Site also includes Bible search tools.
Seeking to demonstrate Christianity as a logical, intelligent, and defensible faith. Searchable archives include answers to theological and philosophical questions, scholarly articles, and a newsletter.
Features articles and other resources that focus on proving that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jewish scriptures. Also book reviews and information on online apologetics discussions.
Online book containing answers to frequently-asked questions about Christianity, information on non-Christian beliefs and on salvation, and evidence for the deity of Christ.
Seeks to use reason and evidence to promote biblical Christianity. Includes an interactive guide to understanding and accepting Christianity, information on evolution and cultural issues, and newsletter.
Articles defending biblical reliability and answering tough questions about hell and the existence of evil. Also features brief answers to many common questions and objections to Christian teachings.
Personal site with evidences for God's existence, information and resources on creationism, articles, testimony, and links.
A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in cyberspace.
Answers to the most common questions people ask about God, Christianity and salvation. Testimonies, teachings, Bible look-up service.
Personal page covering issues such as cults, salvation, and Islam. Quotes, links, and articles.
Collection of articles on apologetics, intelligent design and related issues. Includes essays, papers, debates, faculty "offices", speaking schedules, current events, online forums and news.
Include different on-line works on christian philosophy.
Emphasizes integration of the Christian worldview into all aspects of life. Links to resources by subject as well as media, journals, shopping, education, and Christian leaders.
Articles on atheism, ethics, and theological issues; text of religious debates, and links by Las Vegas philosopher-apologist.
Organization aimed at building Christian thinkers for the public defense of the faith. Articles, newsletter, online courses, recommended books.
Tackles theological issues, tough questions, alleged contradictions of the Bible, age-old skeptical criticisms, cults. Also includes sample chapters and ordering information on the book "The Mormon Defenders."
General apologetics resources, prophecy news, and resources on Islam, Judaism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons. Also includes information on evolution and abortion.
Explanation of the gospel, information on identifying false doctrines and on evolution, and an FAQ.
Sponsored by student groups and the faculty and staff Christian community at the University of California, Santa Barbara. News, calendar, resources, questions and answers, and an extensive library of articles divided both by topic and author.
Aims to provide informed answers from a Christian perspective to bioethical issues. Includes online resources and resources for purchase.
Proofs and evidences refuting a few of the most common misconceptions and lies concerning Christianity, God, Jesus, Israel, and The Bible.
Aims to prove the truth of Christian doctrines about God, Jesus, and the Bible. Includes an extensive topical index.
Answers to the most common questions people ask about God, Christianity and salvation. Testimonies, teachings, Bible look-up service.
Resources primarily aimed at those seeking a more sophisticated understanding of theological issues. Includes a "Hallway of Questions," extended topical studies, philosophical explorations, and thoughts on the Christian experience.
Weekly apologetics reports by e-mail and a quarterly newsletter, information referral hotline, and moderated e-mail discussion list.
Proofs and evidences refuting a few of the most common misconceptions and lies concerning Christianity, God, Jesus, Israel, and The Bible.
Seeks to use reason and evidence to promote biblical Christianity. Includes an interactive guide to understanding and accepting Christianity, information on evolution and cultural issues, and newsletter.
Features articles and other resources that focus on proving that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jewish scriptures. Also book reviews and information on online apologetics discussions.
Articles on atheism, ethics, and theological issues; text of religious debates, and links by Las Vegas philosopher-apologist.
Bruce D. McLaughlin argues that classical logic represents the truth of God, and that sound reason is the foundation of the Christian faith. Online book, newsletter, and links.
Seeking to demonstrate Christianity as a logical, intelligent, and defensible faith. Searchable archives include answers to theological and philosophical questions, scholarly articles, and a newsletter.
Sponsored by student groups and the faculty and staff Christian community at the University of California, Santa Barbara. News, calendar, resources, questions and answers, and an extensive library of articles divided both by topic and author.
Articles on presuppositional apologetics, the Bible, Calvinism, eschatology, and politics; theological discussion forum and online book store.
Include different on-line works on christian philosophy.
Emphasizes integration of the Christian worldview into all aspects of life. Links to resources by subject as well as media, journals, shopping, education, and Christian leaders.
Articles defending biblical reliability and answering tough questions about hell and the existence of evil. Also features brief answers to many common questions and objections to Christian teachings.
A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in cyberspace.
Articles on science, The Way International, and miscellaneous topics; downloadable document on several different biblical issues; and answers to the top five questions people ask about the Bible. Also includes recommended resources and links.
Aims to provide informed answers from a Christian perspective to bioethical issues. Includes online resources and resources for purchase.
Personal page covering issues such as cults, salvation, and Islam. Quotes, links, and articles.
Personal site with evidences for God's existence, information and resources on creationism, articles, testimony, and links.
Aims to prove the truth of Christian doctrines about God, Jesus, and the Bible. Includes an extensive topical index.
Explanation of the gospel, information on identifying false doctrines and on evolution, and an FAQ.
Resources on philosophy, science, and history from a physics graduate. Articles, book reviews, and annotated links.
Online book containing answers to frequently-asked questions about Christianity, information on non-Christian beliefs and on salvation, and evidence for the deity of Christ.
Organization aimed at building Christian thinkers for the public defense of the faith. Articles, newsletter, online courses, recommended books.
Articles, audio lectures, documents, e-books, and FAQs defending Christianity. Site also features a store and seminar schedules.
Answers to questions about life, faith, creation, worldviews, and contemporary issues. Movie, television, game, and book reviews; children's features, games.
Site sponsored by the C S Lewis Society and the Trinity College of Florida and including articles, resources and bookstore aiming to cover issues such as Darwinism and the reliability of Scripture from a Biblical perspective.
General apologetics resources, prophecy news, and resources on Islam, Judaism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons. Also includes information on evolution and abortion.
Searchable archive of articles, recommended resources, information on subscribing to the Christian Research Journal, and Real Player version of the "Bible Answer Man" radio program.
Collection of articles on apologetics, intelligent design and related issues. Includes essays, papers, debates, faculty "offices", speaking schedules, current events, online forums and news.
Tackles theological issues, tough questions, alleged contradictions of the Bible, age-old skeptical criticisms, cults. Also includes sample chapters and ordering information on the book "The Mormon Defenders."
Answers to questions on salvation, the Bible, and other common issues. Site also includes Bible search tools.

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