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Mennonites trace their beginnings to 1525, during the time of the Reformation in Northern Europe. Their name is derived from an early leader, a Dutch priest named Menno Simons. Mennonites opposed state-sponsored religion and re-baptized those who had previously been baptized as infants, resulting in severe persecution. Today Mennonites are known as followers of Jesus who are largely pacifists, although there has been an increase in membership from those of other groups. Mennonites emphasize the importance of Scripture as the guide for living, a sense of community within the church, service and peacemaking. The Mennonite church has become more global in recent decades, but the denomination in the United States is aging, much like other denominations. There is a fairly wide social and theological variety among Mennonite churches, including quite conservative congregations and those that are more progressive.
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Official website of the Mennonite Church in the USA.
A conservative, developing Mennonite mission in Poland.
Council for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender interests.
Organization seeks to rectify injustice in non-violent ways. Among other groups, Mennonites are members.
Also known as Holdeman Mennonites. Emphasis on salvation and separation from the world.
Christian Fellowship of evangelical Anabaptist churches in North America, with 104 congregations.
A vibrant and extensive missionary enterprise.
Fellowship of Mennonite churches in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Vermont.
Reliable information on Anabaptist-Mennonite historical, theological, biographical and institutional topics. Secular subject articles are also included.
Menno-Hof's multi-image presentations, historical environments and colorful displays take you on a fascinating journey inside the unique world of the Mennonites and Amish.
News, information, and discussion.
The "Random House" of the Mennonite world.
Background, beliefs, and vision.
Official magazine of Mennonite Brethren churches in Canada. Feature articles, opinion columns, photos and reviews by Mennonite Brethren writers and photographers from across Canada.
A relief, service, community development and peace agency.
News and information on churches throughout Canada.
Seeks to preserve the heritage of the Mennonite Church and nurture a historical consciousness among its members.
Extensive catalog of websites about Mennonites and Amish, arranged in a yellow-pages type of format.
Volunteer network responding to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States. History, FAQ, projects, programs, and news.
Mennonite Health Services connects health care organizations to each other and to the church.
Quarterly journal exploring the Mennonite experience. Contains excerpts from past issues, Mennonite bibliographies and an index for the publication.
International fellowship of churches in the anabaptist tradition.
A comprehensive gathering of information on Mennonite churches, conferences, organizations and educational institutions.
A program of Conrad Grebel University College and supported by the Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada.
Resources to help congregations and individuals teach and practice peace.
An evangelical Christian mission agency.
Information about local churches, upcoming events and other resources.
Builds bridges among Mennonites and other Christians around the world through custom designed travel.
A cappella Mennonite male ensemble. Album information and upcoming schedules.
Official website of the Mennonite Church in the USA.
Menno-Hof's multi-image presentations, historical environments and colorful displays take you on a fascinating journey inside the unique world of the Mennonites and Amish.
Council for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender interests.
Extensive catalog of websites about Mennonites and Amish, arranged in a yellow-pages type of format.
Quarterly journal exploring the Mennonite experience. Contains excerpts from past issues, Mennonite bibliographies and an index for the publication.
Resources to help congregations and individuals teach and practice peace.
Information about local churches, upcoming events and other resources.
Official magazine of Mennonite Brethren churches in Canada. Feature articles, opinion columns, photos and reviews by Mennonite Brethren writers and photographers from across Canada.
A program of Conrad Grebel University College and supported by the Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada.
The "Random House" of the Mennonite world.
Volunteer network responding to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States. History, FAQ, projects, programs, and news.
A cappella Mennonite male ensemble. Album information and upcoming schedules.
Fellowship of Mennonite churches in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Vermont.
Mennonite Health Services connects health care organizations to each other and to the church.
Reliable information on Anabaptist-Mennonite historical, theological, biographical and institutional topics. Secular subject articles are also included.
A relief, service, community development and peace agency.
Background, beliefs, and vision.
News and information on churches throughout Canada.
A vibrant and extensive missionary enterprise.
News, information, and discussion.
Builds bridges among Mennonites and other Christians around the world through custom designed travel.
Organization seeks to rectify injustice in non-violent ways. Among other groups, Mennonites are members.
Seeks to preserve the heritage of the Mennonite Church and nurture a historical consciousness among its members.
Christian Fellowship of evangelical Anabaptist churches in North America, with 104 congregations.
An evangelical Christian mission agency.
Also known as Holdeman Mennonites. Emphasis on salvation and separation from the world.
International fellowship of churches in the anabaptist tradition.
A comprehensive gathering of information on Mennonite churches, conferences, organizations and educational institutions.
A conservative, developing Mennonite mission in Poland.

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January 29, 2024 at 22:46:43 UTC
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