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The Christadelphians are a small denomination that is waiting for Christ to return to earth to set up his Kingdom. They believe that the Bible is without error, and that baptism is an essential act of obedience. They reject the doctrine of the Trinity, and believe that humans do not have an 'immortal soul' but will be resurrected and judged at Christ's return, the faithful being granted immortality. The Key Christadelphian beliefs are: 1. The Bible is God's word and the only message from him. It is without error, except for copying and translation errors. 2. There is only one God - the Father. The Holy spirit is God's power. 3. Jesus is the Son of God, and a human being, through his mother Mary. 4. By living a sinless life Jesus has opened the way of salvation from death. 5. Jesus is currently in Heaven, on God's right hand. He will one day return. 6. When he returns he will rule the earth and give immortality to those who have tried to follow him and do the will of God. His followers will help him to rule. 7. Man is mortal, having no existence when dead. The reward for the faithful is eternal life on earth after Christ's return. 8. Baptism is essential to gain this eternal life.
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Play online interactive bible games for young and old. Read meditations, bible stories and information on general Christadelphian beliefs.
Christadelphians believe that Christ will return to earth. This explains why. From the booklet of the same name.
Information about, and defence of, Christadelphian belief as well as information useful to Christadelphian ecclesias. Has lists of Christadelphian groups in North America and the rest of the world.
The CBM seeks to preach the gospel throughout the world, establish ecclesias (churches) for those who become Christadelphian as a result of this preaching, and continue to support them with pastoral care in their new lives in Christ.
Produces resources for Sunday school teachers and youth leaders also publishes magazines for children and young people. Overview and publications.
Preaching things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. Search out the Truth from the Bible for yourself and be on the winning side.
Produces resources for Sunday school teachers and youth leaders also publishes magazines for children and young people. Overview and publications.
Christadelphians believe that Christ will return to earth. This explains why. From the booklet of the same name.
Preaching things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. Search out the Truth from the Bible for yourself and be on the winning side.
Play online interactive bible games for young and old. Read meditations, bible stories and information on general Christadelphian beliefs.
Information about, and defence of, Christadelphian belief as well as information useful to Christadelphian ecclesias. Has lists of Christadelphian groups in North America and the rest of the world.
The CBM seeks to preach the gospel throughout the world, establish ecclesias (churches) for those who become Christadelphian as a result of this preaching, and continue to support them with pastoral care in their new lives in Christ.

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December 25, 2023 at 8:35:04 UTC
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