This category contains primarily sites with information about the Restoration Movement. Sites dealing with earlier movements that stressed individual conversion and congregational autonomy; such as "Anabaptist", "Mennonite", or "early church history"; are accepted if they include documentation connecting them with the Churches of Christ. Organizations and other movements rising out of the Restoration Movement are better covered separately: "Christian Church/Disciples of Christ", "Progressive Movement", etc.
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Includes the less known people and movements within the Restoration Movement, women of the movement, leader grave sites, meeting houses, and a series of lessons on the Restoration.
Includes the less known people and movements within the Restoration Movement, women of the movement, leader grave sites, meeting houses, and a series of lessons on the Restoration.

Last update:
July 19, 2020 at 21:15:11 UTC

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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel