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Diary and thoughts of persons identifying as Lutherans.
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Comments on society, religion, and sports especially addressing liberalism, post-modern philosophy, and theology contrary to the author's beliefs.
Theological musings, essays, and answers to selected questions by Xrysostom, the Reverend Walter Snyder. [Atom]
A gathering spot for Lutherans to express their thoughts on theological topics and church-related issues.
Cooperative venture by members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England touching on matters theological and practical.
Evangelical Catholic's reflections on Lutheran doctrine and writings.
Reflections on life, Lutheranism and the pursuit of justice.
LCMS member, blogging on sports, technology and faith.
Examination of the Christian Church in a post-modern world by a confessional Lutheran Pastor with a doctorate in Missiology who resides in Michigan.
A writing collaborative posting at various times humorously, theologically, analytically, didactically, or polemically on all things alcohol.
A Lutheran perspective on an eclectic assortment of topics.
Notes on politics, religion, sports, culture and mores from politically Center Right confessional Lutheran, Bob Waters, blogging from just outside the Beltway. [Atom]
Evangelical Catholic's reflections on Lutheran doctrine and writings.
Examination of the Christian Church in a post-modern world by a confessional Lutheran Pastor with a doctorate in Missiology who resides in Michigan.
LCMS member, blogging on sports, technology and faith.
Reflections on life, Lutheranism and the pursuit of justice.
Theological musings, essays, and answers to selected questions by Xrysostom, the Reverend Walter Snyder. [Atom]
Notes on politics, religion, sports, culture and mores from politically Center Right confessional Lutheran, Bob Waters, blogging from just outside the Beltway. [Atom]
A Lutheran perspective on an eclectic assortment of topics.
Cooperative venture by members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England touching on matters theological and practical.
A writing collaborative posting at various times humorously, theologically, analytically, didactically, or polemically on all things alcohol.
A gathering spot for Lutherans to express their thoughts on theological topics and church-related issues.
Comments on society, religion, and sports especially addressing liberalism, post-modern philosophy, and theology contrary to the author's beliefs.
Last update:
May 8, 2023 at 5:25:07 UTC
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