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The purpose of the this category "Answers for Non-Christians" is for sites which address the life of Jesus on earth in a scholarly manner and which correct false views of Jesus held by various non-Christian groups. For instance, sites appropriate for this category would be those which correct certain non-historical beliefs such as 1) the Moslem claim that Jesus did not die on the Cross, 2) the new age claim that Jesus travelled to India, and 3) the radical humanist claims of the so-called Jesus Seminar which falsely assert that Jesus did not perform miracles or rise from the dead, and which also falsely assert that the Gospel record of the life of Jesus is largely ahistorical.
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Related categories 2

Answers to all the most frequently asked questions about Christ. Examine the evidence for His divinity, miracles and claims.
Article exploring and investigating the claims of Jesus Christ.
Examines the bizarre accusations made by the author of the "Da Vinci Code" and ABC News.
A brief look into the major aspects of Jesus Christ, in contrast to what's in the world's religions.
A critique of the Jesus Seminar by Dr. Birger Pearson of the University of California.
Who does the Jesus Seminar really speak for?
Hal Lindsey answers the blasphemous accusations made by ABC News.
A critique of unorthodox and bizarre theories regarding Jesus.
Hal Lindsey answers the blasphemous accusations made by ABC News.
Examines the bizarre accusations made by the author of the "Da Vinci Code" and ABC News.
A critique of the Jesus Seminar by Dr. Birger Pearson of the University of California.
Who does the Jesus Seminar really speak for?
A critique of unorthodox and bizarre theories regarding Jesus.
Article exploring and investigating the claims of Jesus Christ.
A brief look into the major aspects of Jesus Christ, in contrast to what's in the world's religions.
Answers to all the most frequently asked questions about Christ. Examine the evidence for His divinity, miracles and claims.
Last update:
February 16, 2023 at 15:55:06 UTC
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