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Submit news services, newspapers, books, magazines and e-zines, and journals that are dedicated to the topic of missions.
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A weekly email publication that identifies and promotes resources, analyzes mission trends, and mobilizes Christians to finish the task of global evangelism. Lists opportunities to network and establish contact with others by field of interest.
News about needs and missions. [RSS]
Publishes a newsletter with missionary updates and prayer requests.
A weblog discussion on the gospel, culture and spirituality explorations from the Mission Theological Advisory Group. A joint project of the ecumenical Churches' Commission on Mission and the Church of England's Unit on Mission and Public Affairs.
Provides support to the evangelical church in developing a global witness of Jesus Christ through Media. Features hands-on training through Media Training eXtension Centers (MTXC) at Bible schools.
A Colorado Community Church weblog report on the missions work among the Oglala Lakota people living on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
Evangelical English monthly publication of the Christian Digest Society based in Mumbai, India, endeavors to inspire, instruct, inform and influence people in becoming better followers of Jesus Christ by publishing tracts, hosting writers' workshops, and leadership seminars.
A media missions organization based in Columbia, South Carolina, proclaims the second coming of Jesus Christ through the Midnight Call and News from Israel Magazines, books, audio and video productions, and conferences.
Publications for the missionary on the field as well as the missions student and researcher.
A news magazine by the U.S. Center for World Missions, published bi-monthly.
Written by an American missionary living in India, this weblog discusses India and Christianity, Hindus and Christians, for the purpose of building understanding.
An introduction to the blogs of Christian cross-cultural missionaries around the world. Shows recent posts, blog listings and post highlights.
An introduction to the blogs of Christian cross-cultural missionaries around the world. Shows recent posts, blog listings and post highlights.
Written by an American missionary living in India, this weblog discusses India and Christianity, Hindus and Christians, for the purpose of building understanding.
A weblog discussion on the gospel, culture and spirituality explorations from the Mission Theological Advisory Group. A joint project of the ecumenical Churches' Commission on Mission and the Church of England's Unit on Mission and Public Affairs.
A Colorado Community Church weblog report on the missions work among the Oglala Lakota people living on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
Publications for the missionary on the field as well as the missions student and researcher.
News about needs and missions. [RSS]
Provides support to the evangelical church in developing a global witness of Jesus Christ through Media. Features hands-on training through Media Training eXtension Centers (MTXC) at Bible schools.
Publishes a newsletter with missionary updates and prayer requests.
A media missions organization based in Columbia, South Carolina, proclaims the second coming of Jesus Christ through the Midnight Call and News from Israel Magazines, books, audio and video productions, and conferences.
A news magazine by the U.S. Center for World Missions, published bi-monthly.
Evangelical English monthly publication of the Christian Digest Society based in Mumbai, India, endeavors to inspire, instruct, inform and influence people in becoming better followers of Jesus Christ by publishing tracts, hosting writers' workshops, and leadership seminars.
A weekly email publication that identifies and promotes resources, analyzes mission trends, and mobilizes Christians to finish the task of global evangelism. Lists opportunities to network and establish contact with others by field of interest.
Last update:
September 1, 2018 at 5:15:11 UTC
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