Sites dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle.
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Mentioned (unfavorably) in the early fifth century, this apocryphal work is thought to have been written by one Leucius Charinus, and later revised by a more orthodox Christian.
Apocryphal, written most likely by Leucius Charinus. The manuscripts can't decide whether the second apostle is Matthew or Matthias, and three different names are given for the Ethiopian city of cannibals. A taste for the miraculous, and for hidden miracles at that.
What we can know of St. Andrew from Scripture and tradition.
Short essay.
Illustrated profile.
With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Three versions of his life story: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult. By Catherine Fournier.
About the apostle's career after martyrdom, and how he came to be Scotland's patron saint.
Illustrated profile.
Apocryphal, written most likely by Leucius Charinus. The manuscripts can't decide whether the second apostle is Matthew or Matthias, and three different names are given for the Ethiopian city of cannibals. A taste for the miraculous, and for hidden miracles at that.
Mentioned (unfavorably) in the early fifth century, this apocryphal work is thought to have been written by one Leucius Charinus, and later revised by a more orthodox Christian.
Three versions of his life story: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult. By Catherine Fournier.
Short essay.
With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
What we can know of St. Andrew from Scripture and tradition.
About the apostle's career after martyrdom, and how he came to be Scotland's patron saint.
Other languages 1
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August 9, 2021 at 5:35:28 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel