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Calvinism may indicate the teachings expressed by John Calvin himself; it may be extended to include all that developed from his doctrine and practice in Protestant countries in social, political, and ethical, as well as theological, aspects of life and thought; or it may be employed as the name of that system of doctrine accepted by the Reformed churches. Calvinism, stressing the absolute sovereignty of God’s will, held that only those whom God specifically elects are saved, that this election is irresistible, and that individuals can do nothing to effect this salvation. Calvinism challenged Lutheranism throughout Europe, spread to Scotland, influenced the Puritans of England, was further developed during the scholasticism of the 16th and 17th centuries and received its expression in the United States in the theology of the elder Jonathan Edwards. The doctrinal aspects of Calvinism were continued in the Princeton School and the influence of Calvinism on the culture was emphasized by Abraham Kuyper and the neo-Calvinists. In more recent times, in the Reformed theology of Karl Barth, the Calvinist stress on the sovereignty of God found new and vital expression.
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Links to hundreds of sites on Calvinism, biographical material on John Calvin, his writings, theology and sermons.
A Catholic Encyclopedia article on Calvin and his Institutes and differences with Catholic theology as well as Luther and Zwingli.
A discussion which begins with the influence of Augustine on Calvin, then discusses Calvin's ideas on culture and ends with Calvin's influence on Abraham Kuyper.
Links to articles by Hodge, Warfield, Van Til and others.
Curriculum vitae and publications about Calvinistic theology.
A historical survey article on followers of Calvin such as Vermigli, Zanchi, Beza, Ursinus, Bullinger, Turretin, Erastus, Cocceius, Amyraut and Knox. There are also discussions of the Synod of Dort and the Westminster Confession.
Article by B. B. Warfield on Calvin and Calvinism.
Article briefly traces the history of Calvinism, sums the five points of the doctrines of grace (TULIP) and describes some attempts, both liberal and conservative, to reform Calvinism.
Links to hundreds of sites on Calvinism, biographical material on John Calvin, his writings, theology and sermons.
A historical survey article on followers of Calvin such as Vermigli, Zanchi, Beza, Ursinus, Bullinger, Turretin, Erastus, Cocceius, Amyraut and Knox. There are also discussions of the Synod of Dort and the Westminster Confession.
Curriculum vitae and publications about Calvinistic theology.
A Catholic Encyclopedia article on Calvin and his Institutes and differences with Catholic theology as well as Luther and Zwingli.
Article briefly traces the history of Calvinism, sums the five points of the doctrines of grace (TULIP) and describes some attempts, both liberal and conservative, to reform Calvinism.
A discussion which begins with the influence of Augustine on Calvin, then discusses Calvin's ideas on culture and ends with Calvin's influence on Abraham Kuyper.
Links to articles by Hodge, Warfield, Van Til and others.
Article by B. B. Warfield on Calvin and Calvinism.
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October 10, 2023 at 5:35:09 UTC
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