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Training based on the work of H. P. Blavatsky (founder of the Theosophical Society), the Tibetan Master Dhjwal Kuhl (DK) with Alice A. Bailey (co-founder of Lucis Trust) and others. Includes studies in the seven rays, discipleship, esoteric astrology, esoteric healing, the new group of world servers and meditation to develop spiritual potentiality.
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Michael Benner teaches the perennial philosophy, a body of knowledge designed to promote a spiritual understanding of our lives as human souls incarnate. Based in Glendale, California.
Not-for-profit educational community supports the restoration of the spiritual mysteries and the evolution of human consciousness, inspired by the teachings of Masters Koot Hoomi, Morya and Djwhal Khul. Based in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Provides meditation training based on the writings of Alice A. Bailey and the Master D.K. Located in Manhattan Beach, California.
Created to promote planetary awareness leading to planetary citizenship and to analyze and help solve world problems on the basis of spiritual values. Multilingual site based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Carries on the Bailey work with the strength of new Buddhist teachings of incomparable Masters or Saints including Maitreya. Classes offered in Albany (Berkeley), California.
Organization founded by Alice and Foster Bailey operates Lucis Publishing, the Arcane School and promotes spiritual meetings and festivals.
Meditation training programs and group meditation as a service to humanity. Worldwide organization based in Ojai, California.
Theosophical retreat center in Craryville, New York, offers a variety of courses and workshops, including esoteric astrology.
Provides discipleship training by correspondence (in English, Italian, and Spanish) based on teachings by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul, with an emphasis on meditation, study, and service and designed to produce World Servers. Located in Asheville, North Carolina.
About the gradual emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom
Educational center for ecological and spiritual living founded by Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin. Located in Shutesbury, Massachusetts.
School of the Golden Discs. Center for psycho-spiritual inquiry and applied metaphysics. Primary binding influence is Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. Founded by Moriah Marston, author.
Continues the legacy of Torkom Saraydarian and his creative works. Onsite and correspondence courses offered. Based in Cave Creek, Arizona.
Non-profit institution of higher education grants degrees in the esoteric arts and sciences with special emphasis on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul. Classes offered worldwide.
Non-profit organization devoted to the study and practice of various ethical, spiritual, and theosophical principles. Extensive online library. Based in Leesburg, Virginia.
Source for the teachings of Blavatsky, Roerich, Saraydarian and DuBois. Based in Prescott, Arizona.
School of the Golden Discs. Center for psycho-spiritual inquiry and applied metaphysics. Primary binding influence is Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. Founded by Moriah Marston, author.
Provides discipleship training by correspondence (in English, Italian, and Spanish) based on teachings by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul, with an emphasis on meditation, study, and service and designed to produce World Servers. Located in Asheville, North Carolina.
Organization founded by Alice and Foster Bailey operates Lucis Publishing, the Arcane School and promotes spiritual meetings and festivals.
Meditation training programs and group meditation as a service to humanity. Worldwide organization based in Ojai, California.
About the gradual emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom
Non-profit organization devoted to the study and practice of various ethical, spiritual, and theosophical principles. Extensive online library. Based in Leesburg, Virginia.
Michael Benner teaches the perennial philosophy, a body of knowledge designed to promote a spiritual understanding of our lives as human souls incarnate. Based in Glendale, California.
Not-for-profit educational community supports the restoration of the spiritual mysteries and the evolution of human consciousness, inspired by the teachings of Masters Koot Hoomi, Morya and Djwhal Khul. Based in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Continues the legacy of Torkom Saraydarian and his creative works. Onsite and correspondence courses offered. Based in Cave Creek, Arizona.
Source for the teachings of Blavatsky, Roerich, Saraydarian and DuBois. Based in Prescott, Arizona.
Provides meditation training based on the writings of Alice A. Bailey and the Master D.K. Located in Manhattan Beach, California.
Carries on the Bailey work with the strength of new Buddhist teachings of incomparable Masters or Saints including Maitreya. Classes offered in Albany (Berkeley), California.
Created to promote planetary awareness leading to planetary citizenship and to analyze and help solve world problems on the basis of spiritual values. Multilingual site based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Educational center for ecological and spiritual living founded by Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin. Located in Shutesbury, Massachusetts.
Theosophical retreat center in Craryville, New York, offers a variety of courses and workshops, including esoteric astrology.
Non-profit institution of higher education grants degrees in the esoteric arts and sciences with special emphasis on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul. Classes offered worldwide.
Last update:
October 22, 2022 at 5:14:16 UTC
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