Tantra is that Asian body of beliefs and practices which, working from the principle that the universe we experience is nothing other than the concrete manifestation of the divine energy of the godhead that creates and maintains that universe, seeks to ritually appropriate and channel that energy, within the human microcosm, in creative and emancipatory ways.
(David Gordon White - Tantra in Practice)
Tantras are divided into
Hindu Tantra
Buddhist Tantra
Jain Tantra
even though there is an overlap between these schools.
Hindu Tantra is composed of Siddha Kaula, Yogini Kaula, Trika (Kashmir Saivism), Sri Vidya, Nath Siddha, Aghori, Bengali Saktha-Vaishnava, Saiva Siddhantha and other traditions.
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Subcategories 2
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Sites 4
An article explaining the role of mantra, tantra and yantra in the worship of the Hindus.
Information on the Natha, Kalikula - Kali, Srikula - Lalita (Srividya) traditions, Tantrik rituals, and texts and translations of Tantrik literature.
The basics of Tantrism, the Tantrik approach to life, its uses and abuses and Tantrik Yoga.
The history, practice, identification with Deities, and the Hindu tradition.
The basics of Tantrism, the Tantrik approach to life, its uses and abuses and Tantrik Yoga.
An article explaining the role of mantra, tantra and yantra in the worship of the Hindus.
The history, practice, identification with Deities, and the Hindu tradition.
Information on the Natha, Kalikula - Kali, Srikula - Lalita (Srividya) traditions, Tantrik rituals, and texts and translations of Tantrik literature.

Last update:
January 12, 2022 at 7:15:11 UTC

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