Related categories 2
Sites 6
Articles on a variety of subjects dealing with Islam and contemporary affairs.
Bimonthly magazine aiming to support American Muslims, to provide information about Islam, and to promote discussion. Includes archives, index, and articles from the current issue.
Published by the Islamic Foundation for Education and Welfare (IFEW), a non-profit organisation in Sydney, Australia; explores issues and ideas relevant to Islam in contemporary society. Contains articles from current issue, and news of future issues.
Magazine covering many aspects of Islam. Features current and past issues, subscription form, and links to resources divided by topic.
Trilingual (Arabic, German, English) online magazine focussing on the interface between the Islamic and Western world. Articles, news reports, book reviews, and newsletter.
Bimonthly magazine for Muslim children. Includes artwork and stories by children.
Bimonthly magazine for Muslim children. Includes artwork and stories by children.
Bimonthly magazine aiming to support American Muslims, to provide information about Islam, and to promote discussion. Includes archives, index, and articles from the current issue.
Articles on a variety of subjects dealing with Islam and contemporary affairs.
Magazine covering many aspects of Islam. Features current and past issues, subscription form, and links to resources divided by topic.
Published by the Islamic Foundation for Education and Welfare (IFEW), a non-profit organisation in Sydney, Australia; explores issues and ideas relevant to Islam in contemporary society. Contains articles from current issue, and news of future issues.
Trilingual (Arabic, German, English) online magazine focussing on the interface between the Islamic and Western world. Articles, news reports, book reviews, and newsletter.
Other languages 1
Last update:
August 30, 2016 at 6:54:06 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1