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Sites 6
A blog for Muslims in Bryan College Station, Texas; information about Islam and Muslim activities in the town.
A group of Muslim students at the Longwood Medical Area Campus of Harvard University (Boston, Massachusetts). Includes information about the community, their activities and facilities.
The MIT Muslim Students' Association is a close-knit and friendly community which serves to assist MIT's Muslims in their practice of Islam and endeavors to promote understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims on campus.
Seeks to spread the message of Islam, and promote brotherhood/sisterhood among Muslims on the campus. Includes information on their activities, particularly their support for new students.
An alliance of Muslim Students' Associations in the area; includes a listing of speakers, links to local MSA groups, and a FAQ guide to starting and running local chapters.
Information on their activities, and a newsletter. Includes listings of mosques and halal food outlets. [New York]
Seeks to spread the message of Islam, and promote brotherhood/sisterhood among Muslims on the campus. Includes information on their activities, particularly their support for new students.
The MIT Muslim Students' Association is a close-knit and friendly community which serves to assist MIT's Muslims in their practice of Islam and endeavors to promote understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims on campus.
A group of Muslim students at the Longwood Medical Area Campus of Harvard University (Boston, Massachusetts). Includes information about the community, their activities and facilities.
A blog for Muslims in Bryan College Station, Texas; information about Islam and Muslim activities in the town.
Information on their activities, and a newsletter. Includes listings of mosques and halal food outlets. [New York]
An alliance of Muslim Students' Associations in the area; includes a listing of speakers, links to local MSA groups, and a FAQ guide to starting and running local chapters.
Last update:
October 12, 2019 at 13:10:41 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Localities: B: Brule
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel