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Provides ancient Kabbalistic wisdom, classes and forums to audiences bridging ancient Kabbalah mysticism with New Thought philosophies. Includes information about current classes, Cheryl's biography, a daily newsletter and related products.
Reverend Joanna Rogers leads New Thought seminars. Provides a biography of Emma Curtis Hopkins, information about seminars, and an online magazine, Pulse.
Provides ancient Kabbalistic wisdom, classes and forums to audiences bridging ancient Kabbalah mysticism with New Thought philosophies. Includes information about current classes, Cheryl's biography, a daily newsletter and related products.
Reverend Joanna Rogers leads New Thought seminars. Provides a biography of Emma Curtis Hopkins, information about seminars, and an online magazine, Pulse.
Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 16:37:46 UTC
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