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Attempts to discredit Gail Riplinger, author of New Age Bible Versions, whose books defend the KJV and argue against modern translations.
An essay on inconsistencies in the Bible by Mark D. Ball, Ph.D., with notes and bibliography.
Identifies and discusses contradictions, flaws and failures of the Bible, while also putting it in perspective as an important collection of ancient texts which provides illumination about the origins of Western religious and cultural beliefs. page offers annotated links to more than a dozen signed articles disputing accounts in the Bible and questioning its accuracy. page offers annotated links to more than a dozen signed articles disputing accounts in the Bible and questioning its accuracy.
Classifies claims of biblical error according to their strength.
A survey of apparent contradictions in the Bible. Asks users to rate and comment on each alleged error.
Highlights immoral acts that the Bible apparently condones.
Is the Bible the word of God or an invention of man?
An atheist criticizes biblical inconsistencies.
The bible is not God's love letter, it is man's record of God's love. The KJV is not error free. No new testament writer claimed to be inspired or infallible.
This article makes a case for ascribing authorship of the Fourth Gospel in the New Testament (the Gospel of John) to Mary Magdalene.
An online Christian Bible reference for unbelievers, with all of the embarrassing and/or questionable parts highlighted for easy reference.
Dedicated to exposing the sins of omission and commission in the Bible.
This article makes a case for ascribing authorship of the Fourth Gospel in the New Testament (the Gospel of John) to Mary Magdalene.
Classifies claims of biblical error according to their strength.
Highlights immoral acts that the Bible apparently condones.
A survey of apparent contradictions in the Bible. Asks users to rate and comment on each alleged error.
Attempts to discredit Gail Riplinger, author of New Age Bible Versions, whose books defend the KJV and argue against modern translations.
Dedicated to exposing the sins of omission and commission in the Bible. page offers annotated links to more than a dozen signed articles disputing accounts in the Bible and questioning its accuracy. page offers annotated links to more than a dozen signed articles disputing accounts in the Bible and questioning its accuracy.
An essay on inconsistencies in the Bible by Mark D. Ball, Ph.D., with notes and bibliography.
An online Christian Bible reference for unbelievers, with all of the embarrassing and/or questionable parts highlighted for easy reference.
Is the Bible the word of God or an invention of man?
An atheist criticizes biblical inconsistencies.
The bible is not God's love letter, it is man's record of God's love. The KJV is not error free. No new testament writer claimed to be inspired or infallible.
Identifies and discusses contradictions, flaws and failures of the Bible, while also putting it in perspective as an important collection of ancient texts which provides illumination about the origins of Western religious and cultural beliefs.

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October 14, 2022 at 13:05:07 UTC
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