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Wicca is a nature-based religion that recognizes the male/female polarities in Nature as the God and Goddess. Wiccans live according to the Wiccan Rede, "An it harm none, do what ye will," and celebrate the solar and lunar cycles of Nature. This category is for those who follow these beliefs but practice alone either by choice or necessity.
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Subcategories 1

Tables of correspondences and articles about Witchcraft. Site by George.
A website for wiccan teenage women in the UK.
A practitioner describes how she has learned about Wicca.
Guidelines for keeping a Book of Shadows. Bath, beauty, and incense recipes.
Legends, stories, spells, and poems.
A place for witches to share ideas, rituals, recipes, recommendations, and support. For the adept as well as the beginner.
Developing a Wiccan practice and protecting religious freedom.
A teen's view of Wicca, the sabbats, and the Wiccan Rede.
Basic practices and information on dreamworking, visualization, meditation, and the environment.
Discussion of Pagan beliefs.
Guide to practices, beliefs, divination tools, and magical techniques.
Grimoire, links and resources.
Blog, resource for the solitary witch. Includes spells, divination, book reviews and arts and crafts.
Information on the Old Religion and Stregheria.
History of Wicca and the issue of religious freedom. Read more about colours and herbs too.
Site by Kitty Fields, owner and lead writer at Otherworldly Oracle. Solitary with Norse/Germanic and Celtic paganism with kitchen witchcraft, hedge witchcraft, and various divination methods.
Posted by Patti Wigington. (March 20, 2018)
Site by Kitty Fields, owner and lead writer at Otherworldly Oracle. Solitary with Norse/Germanic and Celtic paganism with kitchen witchcraft, hedge witchcraft, and various divination methods.
Tables of correspondences and articles about Witchcraft. Site by George.
Grimoire, links and resources.
A place for witches to share ideas, rituals, recipes, recommendations, and support. For the adept as well as the beginner.
Information on the Old Religion and Stregheria.
History of Wicca and the issue of religious freedom. Read more about colours and herbs too.
Blog, resource for the solitary witch. Includes spells, divination, book reviews and arts and crafts.
Guidelines for keeping a Book of Shadows. Bath, beauty, and incense recipes.
A website for wiccan teenage women in the UK.
Discussion of Pagan beliefs.
A teen's view of Wicca, the sabbats, and the Wiccan Rede.
A practitioner describes how she has learned about Wicca.
Legends, stories, spells, and poems.
Developing a Wiccan practice and protecting religious freedom.
Guide to practices, beliefs, divination tools, and magical techniques.
Basic practices and information on dreamworking, visualization, meditation, and the environment.
Posted by Patti Wigington. (March 20, 2018)
Last update:
June 16, 2024 at 19:36:54 UTC
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