Related categories 5
Sites 9
Brief profile of the first man, with links to pertinent Torah passages.
Synopsis of the Biblical account of the first humans.
Presenting the Mormon belief that mankind's ejection from the Garden of Eden was part of God's plan from the start.
Rabbinic commentary on God's first human creation.
Discussion of lost Jewish apocrypha about the life of the first man.
Commentary on the first man from the traditional Catholic perspective.
Highlights differences between Islamic and Christian beliefs about the Biblical forefather.
Overview of the progenitor of the human race from the traditional Jewish perspective, including Talmudic commentary.
The traditional Muslim view of the Biblical first man, with Koranic references.
Brief profile of the first man, with links to pertinent Torah passages.
Overview of the progenitor of the human race from the traditional Jewish perspective, including Talmudic commentary.
Synopsis of the Biblical account of the first humans.
Presenting the Mormon belief that mankind's ejection from the Garden of Eden was part of God's plan from the start.
Highlights differences between Islamic and Christian beliefs about the Biblical forefather.
Discussion of lost Jewish apocrypha about the life of the first man.
Commentary on the first man from the traditional Catholic perspective.
The traditional Muslim view of the Biblical first man, with Koranic references.
Rabbinic commentary on God's first human creation.
Last update:
February 2, 2018 at 4:32:17 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1