Isshin-ryu, meaning "one heart or whole-hearted way", was founded by Tatsuo Shimabuku in 1954. The system is a blend of Goju Ryu and Shorin Ryu. Tatsua Shimabuku was reported to have studied from Chotoku Kyan, Chojun Miyagi and Choki Motobu.
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Subcategories 3
Sites 4
General information about the history of Isshinryu and Master Shimabuku.
General Isshinryu Information and fundamentals. Offers information, profile, details on etiquette, codes, belt ranking, and societies.
Information on the kata, displayed in a chart form.
Links to other useful Isshinryu pages. Genealogy, kata and pictures.
General Isshinryu Information and fundamentals. Offers information, profile, details on etiquette, codes, belt ranking, and societies.
Links to other useful Isshinryu pages. Genealogy, kata and pictures.
General information about the history of Isshinryu and Master Shimabuku.
Information on the kata, displayed in a chart form.
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July 2, 2022 at 5:35:03 UTC
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