2000年 總統大選
第十任總統、副總統選舉於 3月18日下午四時順利投票完成, 開票結果由民主進步黨推薦之陳水扁先生與呂秀蓮女士,當選第十任總統、副總統. 總統大選陳水扁、呂秀蓮的得票數是 4,977,737票,宋楚瑜、張昭雄 4,664,922票,
連 戰、蕭萬長 2,925,513票,
李 敖、馮滬祥 16,782票,
許信良、朱惠良 79,429票. 總投票數是 12,786,671人, 投出的有效票是 12,665,393票, 投票率則高達 82.69%, 比四年前大選的投票率高出約 6%. 18 March 2000. The Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) candidate Chen Shui-bian has won Taiwan's presidential elections. Chen and his running mate Annette Lu had garnered the highest number of votes, with 4,977,737 ballots accounting for 39.3 percent of the total votes cast with a more than 80 percent turnout. Independent candidate James Soong and his running mate Chang Chao-hsiung came in second with 4,664,932 votes or 36.8 percent. Third was the Kuomintang's Lien Chan and Vincent Siew with 23.1 percent of the vote on 2,925,513 ballots. The official inauguration day will be on May 20. (Source: China Times)
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