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Sites which offer a number of search tools on one page. Each search tool can be accessed from its own search box or via a single search box by radio buttons, drop-down list or other method. Resources may include general search engines, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias or other general reference resources.
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Provides search, language and research tools on one page. Includes web, discussion groups, and people search, language identifier, translator, dictionaries, encyclopedia, biography, quotations, and telephone area codes.
Offers access to the major search engines and directories, news, the Internet Movie Database, dictionaries, biography, the Bible, Shakespeare, United States government sites, United States addresses and patents.
Possibility to choose between over 100 different search sources arranged in categories. Easy switch from general to regional, reference, or files (images, audio, movies, software, ftp, and pdf).
A series of drop-down menus permit a range of Web and people searches, or link to reference sites, radio, email, software, webcams and online games.
Offers more refined ways to use the major search engines.
Send the same query string to many different Web, images, news, and email search engines with one click.
Type a query and choose one of 30 search engines.
Use one search tool to look for anything from selected search engines.
Provides search boxes to around 80 web sources, also includes over 500 related links.
One stop search and reference.
Directory of Internet sources that provides categorized all-in-one search forms in sets of 22.
Allows easy, keyboard access to major search engines and their search suggestions.
Real-time search personalization. Disambiguates the user's intent after the first query and brings forward the relevant results.
Customizable start page with the major search engines and one's favourite links.
Provides search, language and research tools on one page. Includes web, discussion groups, and people search, language identifier, translator, dictionaries, encyclopedia, biography, quotations, and telephone area codes.
Use one search tool to look for anything from selected search engines.
Possibility to choose between over 100 different search sources arranged in categories. Easy switch from general to regional, reference, or files (images, audio, movies, software, ftp, and pdf).
One stop search and reference.
Type a query and choose one of 30 search engines.
Offers more refined ways to use the major search engines.
Allows easy, keyboard access to major search engines and their search suggestions.
Real-time search personalization. Disambiguates the user's intent after the first query and brings forward the relevant results.
Customizable start page with the major search engines and one's favourite links.
Send the same query string to many different Web, images, news, and email search engines with one click.
Provides search boxes to around 80 web sources, also includes over 500 related links.
A series of drop-down menus permit a range of Web and people searches, or link to reference sites, radio, email, software, webcams and online games.
Offers access to the major search engines and directories, news, the Internet Movie Database, dictionaries, biography, the Bible, Shakespeare, United States government sites, United States addresses and patents.
Directory of Internet sources that provides categorized all-in-one search forms in sets of 22.

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January 29, 2022 at 6:55:19 UTC
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