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.NET components, controls and assemblies used by developers to create .NET Applications
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Offers components including Alvas.Suite, Alvas.Audio, Alvas.FileControls, Alvas.ShapeForms, Alvas.Controls, Alvas.Scriptor, and Alvas.Labels.
.NET control to protect website from spambot (form robots) with captcha code image. ASP.NET security solution to prevent automated registrations.
.Net components suite contains interfaces to BLAS and LAPACK, random number generators, anova, regression, probability distributions, sparse matrices, hypothesis tests and descriptive statistics.
Focusing on .ASP.NET User Interface controls.
Offers a web-based HTML editor which enables users to create rich-text content in a browser as well as TCP and SNMP components.
.NET data provider suite built with 100% managed code, delivering data connectivity for Sybase, Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server.
.Net components including: dual listbox with re-ordering, dependent listboxes, click click e-mail reports.
Local IO assembly provides generic access to instrumentation data.
A rule engine that provides a framework for non-technical logic maintenance and deployment within server, web-based, and desktop applications.
FTP, mail and bacrode components. Contains overview and downloads. [Proprietary]
Site of cross-platform libraries to work with mail. MimeKit is a MIME creation and parser with support for S/MIME, PGP, DKIM, TNEF and Unix mbox spools. MailKit is a library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. [Open source]
A .NET class library for working with algebra structures such as matrices and vectors. [Open source, GPL]
Specializes in the development of .NET reporting, charting, OLAP, gauge and instrumentation components for Visual Studio developers.
Editor.NET component is an advanced code editor allowing integration of a highly flexible edit control in your .NET applications; Outbar.NET is a component pack allowing incorporate a side bar control into any .NET applications.
.NET components based on e-Banking standards (FinTS, HBCI), e-Government standards (OSCI) and smart cards (PC/SC, CT-API).
Parse and evaluate scientific, engineering and mathematical expressions on-the-fly. BY Unisoft Plus, Ltd.
Site of company providing tools for copy protection, code obfuscation and encryption
An online reseller of third party .NET components.
.NET component for credit card numbers validation. It currently supported credit card types: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, JCB, Diner's Club, Discover/Novus.
Site of cross-platform libraries to work with mail. MimeKit is a MIME creation and parser with support for S/MIME, PGP, DKIM, TNEF and Unix mbox spools. MailKit is a library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. [Open source]
FTP, mail and bacrode components. Contains overview and downloads. [Proprietary]
Site of company providing tools for copy protection, code obfuscation and encryption
.NET control to protect website from spambot (form robots) with captcha code image. ASP.NET security solution to prevent automated registrations.
.NET data provider suite built with 100% managed code, delivering data connectivity for Sybase, Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server.
Specializes in the development of .NET reporting, charting, OLAP, gauge and instrumentation components for Visual Studio developers.
Offers components including Alvas.Suite, Alvas.Audio, Alvas.FileControls, Alvas.ShapeForms, Alvas.Controls, Alvas.Scriptor, and Alvas.Labels.
Offers a web-based HTML editor which enables users to create rich-text content in a browser as well as TCP and SNMP components.
Editor.NET component is an advanced code editor allowing integration of a highly flexible edit control in your .NET applications; Outbar.NET is a component pack allowing incorporate a side bar control into any .NET applications.
A .NET class library for working with algebra structures such as matrices and vectors. [Open source, GPL]
.Net components suite contains interfaces to BLAS and LAPACK, random number generators, anova, regression, probability distributions, sparse matrices, hypothesis tests and descriptive statistics.
.Net components including: dual listbox with re-ordering, dependent listboxes, click click e-mail reports.
A rule engine that provides a framework for non-technical logic maintenance and deployment within server, web-based, and desktop applications.
.NET component for credit card numbers validation. It currently supported credit card types: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, JCB, Diner's Club, Discover/Novus.
An online reseller of third party .NET components.
.NET components based on e-Banking standards (FinTS, HBCI), e-Government standards (OSCI) and smart cards (PC/SC, CT-API).
Focusing on .ASP.NET User Interface controls.
Parse and evaluate scientific, engineering and mathematical expressions on-the-fly. BY Unisoft Plus, Ltd.
Local IO assembly provides generic access to instrumentation data.
Last update:
June 5, 2023 at 5:55:14 UTC
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