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Health Conditions and Diseases Infectious Diseases
An infectious disease is a clinically evident illness resulting from the presence of pathogenic agents, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites and prions.
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This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. Each chapter focuses on either one bacteria, virus, parasite, or natural toxin, providing basic facts.
Provides information on stealth viruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other diseases caused by stealth viruses, and presentations and publications given by Dr. Martin.
CIDRAP provides advice, information and analysis on the prevention, control and treatment of infectious diseases and in public health preparedness in such areas as bioterrorism and food safety.
Mission is to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. Includes guidelines, articles and resources for consumers and health professionals.
This journal publishes clinical articles, including those in microbiology; a regular AIDS/TB Commentary; sections covering medical and legal issues and managed care symposia; time-saving review articles, which survey the growing body of research literature in a specific area or on a group of related topics; and thematic studies on central topics in infectious disease research. Electronic edition.
Communicable disease information for HIV/AIDS, pertussis, influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, chickenpox, and others.
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of swollen lymph glands.
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of injury or infection to a finger.
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of blood infection.
Physician reports on the viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens likely to cause nosocomial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, colitis, and candidiasis. Includes medical care and prevention tips.
Directory of full length articles on various diseases.
Includes e-journal from the CDC.
Comprehensive database of infectious disease.
Describes features of many conditions.
CDSC is a division of the Health Protection Agency and is the UK information and response center for surveillance and control of infectious diseases.
Information on communicable diseases and environmental health hazards, travel and veterinary health risks including statistical data.
Find information on colds, flu, STDs, and other common infections. Includes adult and child immunizations, and prevention.
Factsheets and news releases related to diseases and various health topics.
Online version of the magazine. Includes breaking news, archives, online seminars, and specialty forums.
Journal published nine times a year. Articles on topics of current interest to physicians and other health care professionals treating patients with infectious diseases.
Includes information about the IDSA, a career center, newsroom, practice guidelines, and journals and publications.
ISID consists of individuals interested in infectious diseases, including specialists, microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, public health workers, parasitologists, virologists, mycologists, and molecular biologists. Find publications, resources, memberships and programs.
Images of organisms and their effects on organs.
Published for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Find current and past issues and information about the journal.
Fee based service with summaries of medical journal articles in the field of Infectious Disease.
Directory of factsheets covering common infections affecting children.
A monthly infectious diseases journal, renowned for the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed reviews and analysis from around the world.
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US on the legal basis for enforcement of isolation and quarantine.
Information on the microorganisms that cause diseases in humans. Lecture notes, laboratory notebook, computerized clinical cases, and most common causes of infectious diseases file.
Articles about infectious disease and infectious disease links.
Offers up to date medical news and physician-reviewed articles about infectious disease.
Latest medical news and information from
Specific and general clinical information on infectious diseases and their treatment.
Covers emerging diseases, resurgence of known pathogens, and the human factors that converge to provide an environment where diseases can spread. Complete 350-page report from the Board on Global Health of the National Academy of Science, in Open Book and PDF formats.
Division of the CDC that provides leadership, expertise, and service in laboratory and epidemiological science, bioterrorism preparedness, applied research, disease surveillance, and outbreak response for infectious diseases.
NFID supports research into the causes, cures, and prevention of infectious diseases and sponsors public and professional education programs. Virtual library, factsheets, vaccine research conference information, National Coalition for Adult Immunization.
Provides major support for scientists conducting research aimed at developing better ways to diagnose, treat and prevent the many infectious, immunologic and allergic diseases.
The Infectious Diseases collection covers topics such as sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia.
Directory of factsheets on infectious diseases, plus press releases.
Original studies, reviews, and case reports on all aspects of infectious diseases in children that have relevance to clinical practice. Features review articles and original studies on viral and bacterial illness in children of interest to pediatricians, pediatric residents and fellows, and pediatric nurses.
Promotes excellence in diagnosis, management and prevention of infectious diseases through clinical care, education, research and advocacy. Find details about PIDS, membership information, meetings and events, education and training and a forum.
Online journal on infectious diseases of children.
A global electronic reporting system for outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases and toxins.
Co-sponsored by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). It helps co-ordinate global efforts to combat infectious diseases of the poor and disadvantaged.
Features news and analysis on the latest developments in infectious diseases.
Aims to reduce mortality from sepsis and to improve its management, diagnosis and treatment.
The United States Army Medical Research Institute for infectious diseases.
Dr.M.Vadivale provides links to a wide range of sites about infectious diseases and other health-related topics.
Articles from the World Health Organization.
Offers detailed information about infectious disease including classifications, transmission, diagnosing and therapies, immunity, mortality from, and a history.
The United States Army Medical Research Institute for infectious diseases.
This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. Each chapter focuses on either one bacteria, virus, parasite, or natural toxin, providing basic facts.
Describes features of many conditions.
Provides major support for scientists conducting research aimed at developing better ways to diagnose, treat and prevent the many infectious, immunologic and allergic diseases.
Published for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Find current and past issues and information about the journal.
This journal publishes clinical articles, including those in microbiology; a regular AIDS/TB Commentary; sections covering medical and legal issues and managed care symposia; time-saving review articles, which survey the growing body of research literature in a specific area or on a group of related topics; and thematic studies on central topics in infectious disease research. Electronic edition.
Includes e-journal from the CDC.
Mission is to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. Includes guidelines, articles and resources for consumers and health professionals.
Features news and analysis on the latest developments in infectious diseases.
Factsheets and news releases related to diseases and various health topics.
Articles about infectious disease and infectious disease links.
Directory of factsheets covering common infections affecting children.
Find information on colds, flu, STDs, and other common infections. Includes adult and child immunizations, and prevention.
Online journal on infectious diseases of children.
Online version of the magazine. Includes breaking news, archives, online seminars, and specialty forums.
Directory of factsheets on infectious diseases, plus press releases.
CDSC is a division of the Health Protection Agency and is the UK information and response center for surveillance and control of infectious diseases.
Fee based service with summaries of medical journal articles in the field of Infectious Disease.
Specific and general clinical information on infectious diseases and their treatment.
Division of the CDC that provides leadership, expertise, and service in laboratory and epidemiological science, bioterrorism preparedness, applied research, disease surveillance, and outbreak response for infectious diseases.
The Infectious Diseases collection covers topics such as sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia.
ISID consists of individuals interested in infectious diseases, including specialists, microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, public health workers, parasitologists, virologists, mycologists, and molecular biologists. Find publications, resources, memberships and programs.
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US on the legal basis for enforcement of isolation and quarantine.
Original studies, reviews, and case reports on all aspects of infectious diseases in children that have relevance to clinical practice. Features review articles and original studies on viral and bacterial illness in children of interest to pediatricians, pediatric residents and fellows, and pediatric nurses.
Aims to reduce mortality from sepsis and to improve its management, diagnosis and treatment.
Co-sponsored by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). It helps co-ordinate global efforts to combat infectious diseases of the poor and disadvantaged.
Images of organisms and their effects on organs.
Journal published nine times a year. Articles on topics of current interest to physicians and other health care professionals treating patients with infectious diseases.
Covers emerging diseases, resurgence of known pathogens, and the human factors that converge to provide an environment where diseases can spread. Complete 350-page report from the Board on Global Health of the National Academy of Science, in Open Book and PDF formats.
Physician reports on the viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens likely to cause nosocomial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, colitis, and candidiasis. Includes medical care and prevention tips.
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of blood infection.
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of swollen lymph glands.
Articles from the World Health Organization.
Information on the microorganisms that cause diseases in humans. Lecture notes, laboratory notebook, computerized clinical cases, and most common causes of infectious diseases file.
Latest medical news and information from
Directory of full length articles on various diseases.
CIDRAP provides advice, information and analysis on the prevention, control and treatment of infectious diseases and in public health preparedness in such areas as bioterrorism and food safety.
Dr.M.Vadivale provides links to a wide range of sites about infectious diseases and other health-related topics.
Communicable disease information for HIV/AIDS, pertussis, influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, chickenpox, and others.
Offers detailed information about infectious disease including classifications, transmission, diagnosing and therapies, immunity, mortality from, and a history.
Comprehensive database of infectious disease.
Offers up to date medical news and physician-reviewed articles about infectious disease.
Promotes excellence in diagnosis, management and prevention of infectious diseases through clinical care, education, research and advocacy. Find details about PIDS, membership information, meetings and events, education and training and a forum.
Provides information on stealth viruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other diseases caused by stealth viruses, and presentations and publications given by Dr. Martin.
A monthly infectious diseases journal, renowned for the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed reviews and analysis from around the world.
A global electronic reporting system for outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases and toxins.
Information on communicable diseases and environmental health hazards, travel and veterinary health risks including statistical data.
Includes information about the IDSA, a career center, newsroom, practice guidelines, and journals and publications.
NFID supports research into the causes, cures, and prevention of infectious diseases and sponsors public and professional education programs. Virtual library, factsheets, vaccine research conference information, National Coalition for Adult Immunization.
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of injury or infection to a finger.

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January 29, 2025 at 15:23:49 UTC
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