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Recreation Living History Society for Creative Anachronism
SCA-relevant sites hosted by SCA members. Currently, most of these sites belong in the various subcategories under Kingdoms. Only certain sites will remain here in the top-level SCA category. Members of the Society are encouraged to submit their sites for addition to the SCA areas of the Open Directory. Sites relevant to a single kingdom will, by default, be located in a subcategory of the appropriate kingdom. For official information on the SCA, visit the organization's website. Below are the modern territories of each SCA kingdom. Some are also listed in the description of that kingdom's subcategory. AETHELMEARC -- West Virginia, western Pennsylvania, and western New York. AN TIR -- Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho. In Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. ANSTEORRA -- Oklahoma, most of Texas. ARTEMISIA -- southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. ATENVELDT -- Arizona, bits of Utah and California. ATLANTIA -- Maryland, most of Virginia, North and South Carolina, a bit of Georgia. CAID -- Southern California, metro Las Vegas, Hawaii, and New Zealand. CALONTIR -- Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, a bit of Arkansas. DRACHENWALD -- Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. EALDORMERE -- most of Ontario, Canada. THE EAST -- eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, eastern New York, and the New England states. In Canada: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. MERIDIES -- Georgia (most of), Florida's western panhandle, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas (most of), Tennessee, bits of both Kentucky and Virginia. THE MIDDLE -- Kentucky (most of), Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, a bit of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. In Canada: Manitoba, and a bit of Ontario. THE OUTLANDS -- New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska, and a bit of Texas. TRIMARIS -- most of Florida (except the western panhandle), Panama, and Antarctica. THE WEST -- Northern California and Nevada, Alaska, Australia, Japan, Korea and the Pacific Rim.
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Related categories 6

An international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating pre-17th-century European history. Includes information about membership, kingdoms, events, heraldry, customs, chivalry, news and related resources.
Alexander the Lost's guide to this premiere SCA event. Message board for Pennsic parties and a rider board, pictures of prior Pennsic Wars.
Wiki encyclopedia for reenactors of the Middle Ages and Renaissance period with a heavy slant towards members of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Wiki based resource. Anyone can add topics, contribute to articles or add links to other sites.
Over 25,000 names; grammar and naming conventions, bibliography, name roots with dates, place names (cities) with dates.
Household encompassing many kingdoms. Includes history, member information, tales, songs, photos, glossary of Mongol terms and news articles.
SCA heraldry resources and links, plus the Principality of Oertha Armorial and Order of Precedence.
Articles, tools, and links for information about heraldry as used in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
The Official site for the Pennsic War, a yearly event between the Kingdom of the East and Kingdom of the Middle.
An online "phone book" for SCAdians. Searchable database with thousands of entries.
Mailing list information and Web links for most SCA kingdoms and principalities.
Up close and personal photographs of fighting at Pennsic from recent years and other activities from Pennsic and some AEthelmearc events.
A local SCA branch covering Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem Counties in southern New Jersey.
Delaware chapter of the SCA.
SCA household focusing on Mongol research, arts, sciences and martial activities.
Archived messages from the newsgroup ("The Rialto") and other articles grouped by subject.
An international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating pre-17th-century European history. Includes information about membership, kingdoms, events, heraldry, customs, chivalry, news and related resources.
Articles, tools, and links for information about heraldry as used in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
SCA heraldry resources and links, plus the Principality of Oertha Armorial and Order of Precedence.
Household encompassing many kingdoms. Includes history, member information, tales, songs, photos, glossary of Mongol terms and news articles.
Wiki based resource. Anyone can add topics, contribute to articles or add links to other sites.
Wiki encyclopedia for reenactors of the Middle Ages and Renaissance period with a heavy slant towards members of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Over 25,000 names; grammar and naming conventions, bibliography, name roots with dates, place names (cities) with dates.
Delaware chapter of the SCA.
Alexander the Lost's guide to this premiere SCA event. Message board for Pennsic parties and a rider board, pictures of prior Pennsic Wars.
Up close and personal photographs of fighting at Pennsic from recent years and other activities from Pennsic and some AEthelmearc events.
Archived messages from the newsgroup ("The Rialto") and other articles grouped by subject.
An online "phone book" for SCAdians. Searchable database with thousands of entries.
Mailing list information and Web links for most SCA kingdoms and principalities.
The Official site for the Pennsic War, a yearly event between the Kingdom of the East and Kingdom of the Middle.
A local SCA branch covering Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem Counties in southern New Jersey.
SCA household focusing on Mongol research, arts, sciences and martial activities.

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November 27, 2024 at 22:15:22 UTC
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