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Chisel Beach is a ridge topped with shingle stretching from  West Bay, where it is at the foot of East Cliff, then
to the west leaves the cliffs forming an arch as it reaches the  Isle of Portland.
Chisel Beach appears to be a barrier formed from the sea bed by south westerly tidal surges which is occasionally
over-topped, notably the hurricane of November 1824, and storm surge of 13th February 1978.
A natural tombola joins Portland with the mainland at  Weymouth, which had natural lower points than Chisel Beach,
and has been widened and dredged to form a permanent entrance under Ferry Bridge from Portland Harbour,
ensuring that Fleet Lagoon, remains tidal, providing sheltered marine environment between Chisel Beach and
the undulating coastline back ten miles to  Abbotsbury where Chisel Beach leaves the original coastline.

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Guide to Fleet Lagoon and the barrier beach, with information on history and wildlife, photo gallery, indexed topics, advice on access and some activities available.
Guide illustrated by photographs through the years, describing layers of ages behind the lagoon and geomorphology of ridges in the beach. Includes annotated geological map showing the combinations of clays and marble, presented by Dr Ian West at Southampton University.
Lists the criteria that were satisfied to be designated Special Area of Conservation. Includes PDF downloads of information sheet on Ramsar Wetlands and Natura 2000 on conservation of wild birds.
Satellite view of the area, with specifocations for international geomorphologic importance of the wetland resource, and related links.
Guide illustrated by photographs through the years, describing layers of ages behind the lagoon and geomorphology of ridges in the beach. Includes annotated geological map showing the combinations of clays and marble, presented by Dr Ian West at Southampton University.
Satellite view of the area, with specifocations for international geomorphologic importance of the wetland resource, and related links.
Guide to Fleet Lagoon and the barrier beach, with information on history and wildlife, photo gallery, indexed topics, advice on access and some activities available.
Lists the criteria that were satisfied to be designated Special Area of Conservation. Includes PDF downloads of information sheet on Ramsar Wetlands and Natura 2000 on conservation of wild birds.
Last update:
September 28, 2021 at 15:39:54 UTC
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