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Science Physics Research Groups and Centers
Most research activities will either occur in academic departments or in research institutes (which may either be in universities or external). Both of these are included in this category.
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A private academic institute for data compilation and modeling in the fields of atomic and radiation physics.
University institute with research interests on the areas of fiber lasers and amplifiers, ultra-short pulse lasers, integrated optics and micro structuring (clean room facilities).
Devoted to basic research in the fields of physics of atoms, molecules and plasma and solid state physics including surface science. Zagreb, Croatia.
Details about the institute, including news, research, group structure, resources, services, and a people search function.
Russian Academy of Sciences institution for astrophysics, atomic and nanoheterostructure, solid state electronics, dielectric and semiconductors, and plasma physics. Overview of research, publications and staff at St Petersburg.
Applied isotope science research by thermal and secondary ionization in environmental, geological, geochemical, nuclear, and medical sciences. Based at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.
APL is a not-for-profit research and development organization dedicated to solving a wide range of complex problems that present critical challenges to the nation.
Research areas include astrophysics, cosmology and space technology. Includes information about people, publications, news and events.
Experimental research in mesoscopic phenomena, micro- and nanofabrication, and the physics of ultra-sensitive superconducting detectors.
Company undertaking research into the influence of the torsion fields created by cell phones, TV sets and other electronic devices on human health.
Located in Rehovot, Israel. Includes lists of staff members and information on the research groups, as well as information on graduate-level courses that are offered.
Russian Academy of Sciences institution for astrophysics, atomic and nanoheterostructure, solid state electronics, dielectric and semiconductors, and plasma physics. Overview of research, publications and staff at St Petersburg.
Applied isotope science research by thermal and secondary ionization in environmental, geological, geochemical, nuclear, and medical sciences. Based at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.
A private academic institute for data compilation and modeling in the fields of atomic and radiation physics.
Company undertaking research into the influence of the torsion fields created by cell phones, TV sets and other electronic devices on human health.
Devoted to basic research in the fields of physics of atoms, molecules and plasma and solid state physics including surface science. Zagreb, Croatia.
Experimental research in mesoscopic phenomena, micro- and nanofabrication, and the physics of ultra-sensitive superconducting detectors.
Research areas include astrophysics, cosmology and space technology. Includes information about people, publications, news and events.
Located in Rehovot, Israel. Includes lists of staff members and information on the research groups, as well as information on graduate-level courses that are offered.
University institute with research interests on the areas of fiber lasers and amplifiers, ultra-short pulse lasers, integrated optics and micro structuring (clean room facilities).
Details about the institute, including news, research, group structure, resources, services, and a people search function.
APL is a not-for-profit research and development organization dedicated to solving a wide range of complex problems that present critical challenges to the nation.

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Last update:
August 6, 2020 at 5:15:10 UTC
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