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Subcategories 17

Related categories 3

Encourages interdisciplinary exchange of ideas. Quarterly, (mostly) peer-reviewed. Tables of content and abstracts available on-line for recent volumes.
Focused on publishing quantitative studies aimed at practitioners.
Companion journal to Applied Economics and Applied Financial Economics publishes short accounts of new original research and encourages discussion of papers previously published in its two companion journals.
Published on behalf of the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, the journal focuses on policy issues of relevance to Australia and the region.
Social and economic journal offers full-text articles from recent issues.
Integrates computer science with economic and management science, including symbolic information processing, numerical procedures, computational aspects of mathematical programming, hardware developments, operational research, artificial intelligence, user interfaces, database interfaces, and software research. Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Provides full-text articles and transcripts of public figures discussing national and international policy issues.
Journal of the Econometric Society. Published bi-monthly, it includes peer-reviewed original articles in all branches of economics.
Published on behalf of the Institute of Economic Affairs, each themed issue provides short articles. Provides table of contents for the latest issue.
General interest economics journal.
Main data, information for authors and subscribers on the publishers' site.
Quarterly report details the forecast over the next five years for key UK macroeconomic indicators.
Journal emphasizing theoretical analysis of economic models provides abstracts, instructions for authors and subscription information.
General-interest journal published for the Suntory-Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines on behalf of the London School of Economics.
Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
Journal offering non-technical but serious economics analysis about public policy and issues. Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz with Bradford DeLong and Aaron Edlin.
General interest journal provides tables of contents and abstract archives.
Provides a forum for the discussion of economic issues from a feminist perspective. Sponsors special issues on current topics.
Provides an interdisciplinary and international forum for publications in economics and policy, addressing issues in telecommunications and information technology, including regulatory issues. Includes tables of contents, abstracts and index.
Provides a forum for the publication on the economic analysis of accounting problems. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index.
Provides full-text articles from recent issues.
Journal dedicated to spatial economics and globalization provides full-text articles from recent issues. The aims of the Journal of Economic Geography are to redefine and reinvigorate the intersection between economics and geography, and to provide a world-class journal in the field.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Electronic edition of the Journal of Economic Literature which includes a hyperlinked subject index with available abstracts for all the Current Periodicals indexed in the EconLit electronic bibliography during the last quarter.
Provides abstracts and tables of contents.
Publishes articles related to the economics of health and medical care. Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Focuses on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Provides abstracts and guidelines for submissions.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
International quarterly offers abstracts of recent articles.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Offers full-text articles from recent issues.
General-interest journal offers recent full-text articles.
Quarterly online newsletter of economic indicators and analysis by The Commonwealth Institute.
General interest economics journal provides tables of contents and abstract archives.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Economic Design comprises the creative art and science of inventing, analyzing and testing economic as well as social and political institutions and mechanisms aimed at achieving individual objectives and social goals.
Official Journal of the Society for Economic Dynamics provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Journal emphasizing theoretical analysis of economic models provides abstracts, instructions for authors and subscription information.
Published on behalf of the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, the journal focuses on policy issues of relevance to Australia and the region.
International quarterly offers abstracts of recent articles.
General-interest journal published for the Suntory-Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines on behalf of the London School of Economics.
Journal of the Econometric Society. Published bi-monthly, it includes peer-reviewed original articles in all branches of economics.
Quarterly report details the forecast over the next five years for key UK macroeconomic indicators.
Main data, information for authors and subscribers on the publishers' site.
Published on behalf of the Institute of Economic Affairs, each themed issue provides short articles. Provides table of contents for the latest issue.
Encourages interdisciplinary exchange of ideas. Quarterly, (mostly) peer-reviewed. Tables of content and abstracts available on-line for recent volumes.
Electronic edition of the Journal of Economic Literature which includes a hyperlinked subject index with available abstracts for all the Current Periodicals indexed in the EconLit electronic bibliography during the last quarter.
Journal dedicated to spatial economics and globalization provides full-text articles from recent issues. The aims of the Journal of Economic Geography are to redefine and reinvigorate the intersection between economics and geography, and to provide a world-class journal in the field.
Provides full-text articles from recent issues.
Offers full-text articles from recent issues.
Social and economic journal offers full-text articles from recent issues.
General-interest journal offers recent full-text articles.
General interest economics journal provides tables of contents and abstract archives.
Focuses on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Provides abstracts and guidelines for submissions.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Official Journal of the Society for Economic Dynamics provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Integrates computer science with economic and management science, including symbolic information processing, numerical procedures, computational aspects of mathematical programming, hardware developments, operational research, artificial intelligence, user interfaces, database interfaces, and software research. Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Publishes articles related to the economics of health and medical care. Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Provides an interdisciplinary and international forum for publications in economics and policy, addressing issues in telecommunications and information technology, including regulatory issues. Includes tables of contents, abstracts and index.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Provides a forum for the publication on the economic analysis of accounting problems. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
General interest journal provides tables of contents and abstract archives.
Provides tables of contents and abstract archive.
Journal offering non-technical but serious economics analysis about public policy and issues. Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz with Bradford DeLong and Aaron Edlin.
Focused on publishing quantitative studies aimed at practitioners.
Provides a forum for the discussion of economic issues from a feminist perspective. Sponsors special issues on current topics.
Companion journal to Applied Economics and Applied Financial Economics publishes short accounts of new original research and encourages discussion of papers previously published in its two companion journals.
General interest economics journal.
Provides full-text articles and transcripts of public figures discussing national and international policy issues.
Economic Design comprises the creative art and science of inventing, analyzing and testing economic as well as social and political institutions and mechanisms aimed at achieving individual objectives and social goals.
Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
Quarterly online newsletter of economic indicators and analysis by The Commonwealth Institute.
Provides abstracts and tables of contents.

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Last update:
August 8, 2021 at 13:40:13 UTC
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