Please note related category links for jewelry manufacturers, jewelry wholesalers and non-shopping jewelry sites.
Please see overall Shopping category guidelines .
Please find the most appropriate sub-category for the site. Submitting it to the proper sub-category (e.g. a site selling watches should be submitted to Shopping/Jewelry/Watches) will speed the review process. Find the single most appropriate category for your site. With few exceptions, sites will only be listed once in the directory.
Submit your site using your main url.
Use the legal name of your company as the site title.
Create a brief description describing what your site offers for sale. This should be the current content of your site (not the future content).
Marketing verbiage will be removed.
more information (editors only)
If the site sells a combination of different jewelry items, such as bead jewelry and/or sterling silver jewelry and/or watches, select the one category which best fits the site and submit there.
Please take the time to follow the above! Failure to do so will greatly delay the site''s review.
Do not submit the site to every category for which there are jewelry products. Duplicate listings and mirror sites will be deleted.
**Please note that you must have prices listed on your site in order to be accepted in this category.**
Studios, informational sites, directories, personal pages, and image galleries regarding the art of body piercing should submit their sites to Arts/Bodyart/Piercing or one of the appropriate sub cats.
Manufacturers and Wholesalers of body piercing jewelry should submit their sites to Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Jewelry/Wholesale_and_Distribution/
more information (editors only)
Be sure to read the Shopping/Jewelry description for an overview of Shopping/Jewelry guidelines.
This category is just for costume jewelry made with vermeil, gold plate, silver plate, sterling silver and vermeil or other base metals such as copper or brass.
Most costume jewelry will incorporate synthetic or imitation gemstones, however natural gemstones are often used with the lessor metals. Another common term used to describe this jewelry is: faux jewelry.
Please do not submit to more than one category, duplicate and mirror sites will be deleted. If the site offers a variety of products, choose the category which best matches the site's overall theme.
Sites that offer strictly wholesale jewelry should submit to /Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Jewelry: Wholesale and Distribution.
And sites that manufacture jewelry for the jewelry trade should submit to Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Jewelry.
Websites of individual businesses should not be submitted here and will be deleted without review. Websites of individual businesses should be submitted to the appropriate category under Shopping/Jewelry.
Please select a sub-category for submission according to the most important component of the jewelry.
If numerous components are evenly used, please select "Beads" as your sub-category.
If you are an individual crafter selling your own work, please submit your site in the corresponding category in Shopping/Crafts/Jewelry/
If your site is focused on freshwater pearl jewelry, please submit your site to Shopping: Jewelry: Pearls: Freshwater, and not this category.
If the site you are submitting offers different types of jewelry, choose the category which best describes the overall site, and submit it there. Sites will not be listed in multiple categories in Shopping: Jewelry.
Please do not submit to more than one category, duplicate and mirror sites will be deleted. If the site offers a variety of products, choose the best overall category match.
Sites that offer wholesale gemstones and/or rough should submit to:
Also, please check the Shopping/Jewelry description for an overview of Shopping/Jewelry guidelines.
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Title: Name of Business or Organization
Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.