My Account
Includes authoritative information about teaching or studying in China.
Includes Chinese educational institutions, programs, and opportunities, as well as other authoritative educational resources. Colleges and Universities should be submitted to Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/Asia/China . Websites submitted here must be related to education in China and written in English. Sites in Chinese_Simplified should be submitted to the appropriate World/Chinese_Simplified subcategory. Anonymous sources of information cannot be included in this category but will be considered for possible inclusion under Arts/Education/Language_Arts/English/English_as_a_Second_Language/Chats_and_Forums/. Personal blogs and sites offering advice about teaching in China should be submitted to Regional/Asia/China/Society_and_Culture/Personal_Pages/ for consideration. Sites representing recruitment agencies should be submitted to Arts/Education/Language_Arts/English/English_as_a_Second_Language/Employment/. Sites owned by TEFL training programs or schools should submit to Arts/Education/Language_Arts/English/English_as_a_Second_Language/Teacher_Resources/Training/.

Before submitting your site, please review the Guidelines for Submitting a Site.

This category is for websites offering information about studying the Chinese language, martial arts, and related cultural courses in China. Websites in this category must be in English. Sites written in Chinese should be submitted to the appropriate World/China category: World/Chinese_Simplified/ or /World/Chinese_Traditional.
Please only submit sites that deal with studying the Chinese language, martial arts, or culture. Sites that offer tools and resources for studying the Chinese language online are also appropriate for this category.
This category is for websites that address the educational or occupational aspects of teaching in China. Anonymous blogs and websites will not be considered for inclusion in this category and should be submitted to Regional/Asia/China/Society_and_Culture/Personal_Pages. Websites in this category must be in English only. Sites written in Chinese should be submitted to the appropriate World/Chinese subcategory: World/Chinese_Simplified/ or World/Chinese_Traditional/.
Websites listed in this category must contain authoritative and well-documented information about teaching in China. Personal blogs and websites of foreign teachers in China Anonymous blogs and websites will not be considered for inclusion in this category. Personal blogs and websites should be submitted directly to Regional/Asia/China/Society_and_Culture/Personal_Pages. Websites primarily containing resources for China EFL teachers such as lesson plans, EFL classroom activities, and teaching tips should be submitted to Arts/Education/Language_Arts/English/English_as_a_Second_Language/Teacher_Resources/Teaching_Abroad. Websites devoted mainly to expatriate life in China should be submitted to Regional/Asia/China/Society_and_Culture/Expatriate_Life. Websites hosted by recruitment agencies that primarily offer job listings or cultural exchange organizations that offer training and placement services will not be accepted in this category and should be submitted to Arts/Education/Language_Arts/English/English_as_a_Second_Language/Employment/Asia/China.