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This category contains sites for people who are interested in learning about Christianity or seeing what it has to say regarding their own lives or problems. Sites listed here are meant to provide low-pressure introductions to the basics of Christianity, answer common questions or concerns, and address specific groups of people in a way that acknowledges the complexities involved in choosing a religious worldview.
Please submit only sites that might help a reader find a satisfying Christian end to his or her spiritual search. Sites of a negative nature and sites that focus on theological debate or non-orthodox views should not be submitted to this category.
Fifteen talks on the basics of Christianity spread out over a ten-week period. Designed for people wanting to learn more about Christianity, new Christians, newcomers to the church, and Christians who want to brush-up on the basics of the faith. Originated at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church in London, England.
Bible study sites included in this category are specifically aimed at introducing non-Christians to the Christian faith.

Bible study sites designed for Christians are listed in Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Faiths_and_Beliefs/Christianity/Bible/Bible_Study.

Submit only Bible studies designed specifically to introduce non-Christians to the Christian faith in this category.

Bible study sites designed for Christians should be submitted in Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Faiths_and_Beliefs/Christianity/Bible/Bible_Study.

Submit your site to only ONE of the two directories. Sites will NOT be listed in both.

This category is for sites that present a Roman Catholic perspective of Christianity for the benefit of non-believers or people considering that tradition. Sites in this category may include explanations of Catholic beliefs, testimonies, answers to common questions, and similar features. Their purpose is to help people who are seeking to learn about Catholicism.
Please submit only sites that might help a reader find a satisfying Christian end to his or her spiritual search. Sites of a negative nature and sites that focus on theological debate or non-orthodox views should not be submitted to this category.
This category lists personal pages that are geared toward individuals trying to learn more about the Christian faith.
Submit only personal pages that are geared toward individuals trying to learn more about the Christian faith.

If the bulk of the content is geared toward those who are already Christians, the page should be submitted to /Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Evangelism/Christianity_for_Seekers/Testimonies.

If the page is primarily a testimony of salvation, it should be submitted to Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Christianity_for_Seekers/Testimonies.

Sites in this category provide answers to questions commonly asked about God and the Christian faith. Sites providing answers to apologetics questions, relating to defending the believability of Christianity, are located in Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Apologetics: Questions and Answers
Please submit only sites that provide information for seekers in a question-and-answer format. If the majority of the questions on the site are answers to apologetics questions (ones relating to defending the believability of Christianity), do not submit it here. Those sites are located in Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Apologetics: Questions and Answers
Pages in this section relate how individuals have been born again, saved, and transformed by entering into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Articles on how God has worked in people's lives after being saved can be found at Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Personal_Pages/Testimonies.

Submit only testimonies of salvation to this category.

Testimonies of how God has worked in people''s lives after salvation should be submitted to Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Personal_Pages/Testimonies.

Please submit only direct links to personal testimonies. Do not submit pages that are basically teaching about God or the Bible. This section is for personal experiences, true stories, testimonies - what God has done in your life.