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"There is no God but God, and Muhammad is His prophet" - the fundamental statement of belief of a Muslim.

We welcome websites which express/develop/describe/analyse the faith and practice of Islam. We aim for an inclusive representation of the community of Islam, with all its variety and cultural richness.

  • Please help the ODP represent fairly and positively the wealth of experience and belief which has developed over the centuries. We recognize and seek to represent (but make no judgement on) the diversity of the Muslim community, and their different interpretations of faith and practice.

  • If you wish to submit a website critical of/hostile to Islam, may we suggest that a more appropriate category may be found within the directory for your own religious tradition, or in Opposing Views.

  • Your website must be in English. If not, please use the relevant link to find an appropriate category for the language of your website.

  • We will only list sites which are designed to be accessible to a very general reader in this top category. If your site has been written specifically to be accessible for people interested in becoming a Muslim, you might consider Invitation to Islam. If your site uses language and concepts accessible only to people who already have a good understanding of Islam, please consider Guidance Resources

Thank you for taking a bit of time to submit your site to the most appropriate sub-category!

For websites about the Arts in Islam.
Please consider carefully whether there is an appropriate category for your website. In particular, we will not consider greetings cards, clip-art, or screen-savers in this group of categories.
For informational websites about Muslim feasts and festivals, and about calculating dates by the lunar Islamic calendar.
Please note that greeting cards sites are not accepted in these categories.
Please submit only sites selling Islamic related products.
For sites offering specifically Islamic software, clipart, or other computer resources.
For sites with information about Muslim education, or institutions involved in the academic study of Islam; please help us by submitting institutions to the appropriate sub-category.
The general Islam category holds sites about Islam in general, which we judge easily accessible to a general reader. The Invitation to Islam category may also contain general presentations the religion, but written for people interested in becoming a Muslim.

This category contains sites which, because of their content, language, terminology, or depth, are more suitable for users who already have a relatively advanced understanding or knowledge of Islam.

This category contains sites that are specifically about the history of the Islamic community.
Invitation to Islam, or Dawah, refers to introducing the faith to those who are not familiar with it. Islam is a universal religion, all are welcome in it and all are equal in the sight of God.
Sites submitted to this category should present Islam in a way to inform and welcome those who are unfamiliar with Islam. Sites should not be specific for one sect or devoted to the teachings of one scholar. They should have sufficient information to be of value to someone seeking a broad view of the religion and have some depth in its history, beliefs and/or requirements. This is not the place for personal pages, "why I am a Muslim" pages, or pages aimed at one nationality.
Islamism is an umbrella term referring to several Islamic revival and purification movements which seek to institutionalize Islamic beliefs and values in government, the economy, and society.
"Liberal Islam" is an umbrella term covering the thoughts and work of Muslims who share parallel concerns with Western liberalism: ideas such as separation of church and state, democracy, the rights of women and minorities, freedom of thought, and human progress.

A key concept in understanding Liberal Islam is ijtihad (from the root jahada, to struggle, endeavour, strive, take pains; the same root as "jihad"). The term has developed to mean the use of independent judgement on legal or theological questions.

Understanding of the term is coloured by history and theology.

  • Legal and philosophical thought in the different traditions of Islam placed differing limits on "acceptable use of independent judgement";
  • In the context of Islam's response to the impact of the West in the last 150 years, some thinkers have argued the need to go beyond traditional limitations.
Meditation is a practice with wide reaching roots in many religions. In Islam, meditation is most widely in the form of the five daily prayes. But, meditation is enjoined in the night hours in prayer as well. Meditation for the Muslim provides means to forming a link with the spiritual self as one seeks a deeper connection with Allah. As this connection deepens and becomes more permanent, we become better acquainted with our inner selves and motivations.
The Islam: Meditation category consists of websites regarding the topic and a link to the subcategory of Sufi Tradition. If your site relates specifically to a particular religious style of meditation (other than that of Islam), please use that category''s submission link. Only sites containing information regarding meditation as it pertains to Islam and is practiced therein should be submitted here.
For sites of organizations which support and promote the practice of Islam - including mosques, special interest groups (e.g. college-based associations, regional groups), and others.

Please consider whether your site might be better placed in an appropriate linked category.

In particular, please note that only organizations with an international focus will be listed here. Local and national organizations may be considered for listing in Islam/By Region, and/or in a locality in a Regional category.

Prayer in Islam is very important. One has to remember God, ask Him for guidance, for help. Prayer in Islam, is not limited to rituals. If one earns money, with the intention to live lawfully, rightfully, gratefully, and to be able to feed himself his/her dependants; he is praying. Actually the word used for prayer: "Ebadah", means being a servant to God. Abd, the origin, means servant. With these in mind, the prayer may take also specific forms, where a servant, a muslim directs his/her body, goods, money, spirit towards The Creator. His body, in the prayer called Salaat (Standing, sitting, putting the forehead on the ground solely in front of God, and reading from the Quran) His money, in the prayer called Zakaat (Giving alms), His body and money, in the prayer called Hajj (Pilgrimage), Of course, these and other prayers have real meaning if the intention is pure, the spirit is directed to The Lord. The prayers in Islam may be classified also as obligatory ones, and voluntary ones.
Over the centuries, a number of distinctive expressions of Muslim faith and practice have emerged, within both the Sunni and Shia traditions. Some have grown to have a clear and separate identity, others have remained more or less within the Sunni/Shia traditions.

This category is for sites about these diverse groups.

  • Please help the ODP represent fairly and positively the wealth of experience and belief which has developed over the centuries. We recognize and seek to represent (but make no judgement on) the diversity of the Muslim community, and their different interpretations of faith and practice.

  • If you wish to submit a website critical of/hostile of a particular group, may we suggest that a more appropriate category may be found within the directory for your own religious tradition, or in one of the Opposing Views categories.
There are two main branches of Islam, the Sunni and the Shia. Shia is the smaller branch and consists of 15% of the Muslim population worldwide. Most Shias (known in the west as Twelvers, or Ithnasheris) believe in 12 divinely appointed successors of Prophet Mohammed, but there are significant groups who believe in only 5 or 7 Imams. Shias are in the majority in Iran and Iraq.
Sufism is Love based Islamic mysticism. It is an intrinsic part of Religion stressing the relation between God and His creations.
Please ensure sites submitted present information which is informative and educational on the topic of Sufism. Sites which are most relevent to subcategory of "Chats and Forums," or, "Sufism/Meditation," or, " Sufism/Organizations," or, "Sufism/Shopping," or, "Sufism/Teachers" should be submitted under those sub categories.