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This category deals with the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa.
  • If your site is not specifically geared towards this location, please submit to the proper category.
  • Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
  • When writing the title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  • When writing the description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
This category deals with finalists.
  • If your site is not specifically geared towards this location, please submit to the proper category.
  • Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
  • When writing the title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  • When writing the description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.

News is information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television. It is also a presentation of such information, as in a newspaper or on a newscast.

Media is transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public.

  • If your site is not specifically geared towards this location, please submit to the proper category.
  • Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
  • When writing the title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  • When writing the description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
This category deals with venues.
  • If your site is not specifically geared towards this location, please submit to the proper category.
  • Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
  • When writing the title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  • When writing the description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
This category deals with blogs.
  • If your site is not specifically geared towards this location, please submit to the proper category.
  • Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
  • When writing the title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  • When writing the description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.