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Includes worksite/school/home design or modification for accessibility, architectural accommodations, structural adaptations, building/home ramps, home elevators, wheelchair lifts, pool lifts, bathroom changes, automatic door openers, expanded doorways, adapted furniture, adapted doorknobs, alternative doorbells, lowered counters, specially designed bath areas, etc.
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Offers bathtub modifications to improve access and safety.
Provides architectural and consulting services, while specializing in custom homes and universal design.
Provides bathing aids for people with mobility problems.
Manufactures grab bars, shower rods, and shower seats. Located in Plymouth, Michigan.
Provides grab bar devices installed for safety to prevent falls.
Specializes in ceiling mounted and mobile lifts, stepless ramps, and lifting platforms.
Provides pre-manufactured equipment for use in retro-fit and new construction projects for a barrier free environment.
Proposes remote-controlled door opening systems designed for the home environment.
Manufactures products for disabled pedestrians, such as accessible signals and pedestrian push buttons.
Offers a range of height adjustable products to meet the need of the elderly and disabled.
Supplies rehabilitation products such as bath lifts and bed elevators. Based in UK.
Propose universal retrofit actuators that install on new or existing sliding windows for full accessibility.
Consulting firm specializing in rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology.
Offers bathtub modifications to improve access and safety.
Specializes in ceiling mounted and mobile lifts, stepless ramps, and lifting platforms.
Offers a range of height adjustable products to meet the need of the elderly and disabled.
Provides bathing aids for people with mobility problems.
Propose universal retrofit actuators that install on new or existing sliding windows for full accessibility.
Manufactures products for disabled pedestrians, such as accessible signals and pedestrian push buttons.
Provides pre-manufactured equipment for use in retro-fit and new construction projects for a barrier free environment.
Manufactures grab bars, shower rods, and shower seats. Located in Plymouth, Michigan.
Consulting firm specializing in rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology.
Proposes remote-controlled door opening systems designed for the home environment.
Supplies rehabilitation products such as bath lifts and bed elevators. Based in UK.
Provides grab bar devices installed for safety to prevent falls.
Provides architectural and consulting services, while specializing in custom homes and universal design.
Last update:
January 19, 2022 at 7:15:10 UTC
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