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This category lists pages and sites about American illustrator Norman Rockwell (1894-1978). Rockwell received his first illustration assignments while still in his teens. By the age of 22, he had achieved the height of success in his field - a commission to create a cover for The Saturday Evening Post, then America's most successful magazine. Rockwell's association with the magazine continued nearly five decades.

All sites listed here are suitable for children and teens to read and use for enjoyment and/or for schoolwork.

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[ Teens/Mature Teens ] PBS presents biographical information about one of America's most popular artists. Includes a list of major works.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Includes biographical article written by Judy A. G. Cutler and samples of illustrative works.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] Introduces the illustrator famous for his Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations which showed 20th century American life.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Story of the life and works of Norman Rockwell by Stan Griffin.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Includes biographical article written by Judy A. G. Cutler and samples of illustrative works.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] PBS presents biographical information about one of America's most popular artists. Includes a list of major works.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] Introduces the illustrator famous for his Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations which showed 20th century American life.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Story of the life and works of Norman Rockwell by Stan Griffin.
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May 22, 2021 at 17:39:25 UTC
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