Physics is the science of the natural world in the broadest sense, dealing with the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces they exert on one another, and the results produced by these forces. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena spanning all length scales: from the sub-atomic particles from which all ordinary matter is made (particle physics) to the behavior of the material Universe as a whole (cosmology).
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Subcategories 21
Sites 13
[ Mature Teens ]
Historical timelines in mathematics, physics, and politics.
[ Teens ]
A virtual laboratory with more than 30 physics-related Java applets covering a wide variety of topics.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Has films and guides to show how physics can help to address some of the biggest challenges facing society today.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Notes, interactive labs, Java applets, and illustrations.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
British high school teacher offers various resources to improve students' knowledge. Contains Java demonstrations of physical principles, as well as problems and solutions.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Explains how physics is part of the everyday world. Answer questions on how things work and describes the latest research.
[ Mature Teens ]
Tutorials and practice exercises for high school physics. Includes animations, diagrams, and multimedia examples.
[ Mature Teens ]
A place for advanced teen physicists to discuss any topic of physics other science/math issues.
[ Mature Teens ]
Describes how to use the Google calculator to do physics calculations.
[ Mature Teens ]
Physics news, jobs, equipment buyer's guide, and events.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Includes online puzzles and games, hands-on activities, answers to common questions, virtual lab tour, and printable activity sheets.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
These physics resources introduce the history of the field and simplify its major theories and laws.
[ Mature Teens ]
Program organized by the University of Wisconsin. Includes shows, videotapes and demonstration software, as well as a lecture kit.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Has films and guides to show how physics can help to address some of the biggest challenges facing society today.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
These physics resources introduce the history of the field and simplify its major theories and laws.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Includes online puzzles and games, hands-on activities, answers to common questions, virtual lab tour, and printable activity sheets.
[ Mature Teens ]
Physics news, jobs, equipment buyer's guide, and events.
[ Mature Teens ]
Describes how to use the Google calculator to do physics calculations.
[ Mature Teens ]
Tutorials and practice exercises for high school physics. Includes animations, diagrams, and multimedia examples.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Notes, interactive labs, Java applets, and illustrations.
[ Teens ]
A virtual laboratory with more than 30 physics-related Java applets covering a wide variety of topics.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
British high school teacher offers various resources to improve students' knowledge. Contains Java demonstrations of physical principles, as well as problems and solutions.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Explains how physics is part of the everyday world. Answer questions on how things work and describes the latest research.
[ Mature Teens ]
Historical timelines in mathematics, physics, and politics.
[ Mature Teens ]
Program organized by the University of Wisconsin. Includes shows, videotapes and demonstration software, as well as a lecture kit.
[ Mature Teens ]
A place for advanced teen physicists to discuss any topic of physics other science/math issues.
Other languages 10