Multi-purpose venue for presentations, drama and music. Information on history, blog, opening times, booking for hire and tickets, with links to videos and social media.
Details the festival programme, which includes new features, shorts, revivals and documentaries from around the world, as well as a Children's Film Festival.
A gallery of night and low-light photography of University buildings, with prints available for purchase. Also includes digital camera tutorials, and advice on techniques.
Incirporating Cambridge Taverner Choir, offers early chamber choirs music, specialising in Renaissance polyphony. Blog of performances and links to recordings.
Attracts upwards of 25,000 visitors for the productions, which run during July and August. General information, programme, booking, venues, and contacts.
Maintains two choirs: the Chapel Choir, which is made up of boy choristers and adult male singers, and the College Choir, which has female undergraduates for its top line.
Contemporary British artist specialising in figurative and equine art. Profile of the painter, online gallery, opening days for the studio, diary of appearances and contact form.
Exhibits the collections of H. S. Ede, 20th century collector of art and decorative art and former curator of the Tate Gallery, London. Collection includes works by Brancusi, Wood, Moore and MirĂ³.
The mixed voice choir was founded to give the women of King's the opportunity to contribute vocally to the musical life of the College. Profile, director of music and joining details.
Exhibits a collection of pottery sherds and casts of Greek and Roman sculpture, with a public collection numbering over 600. Includes a searchable database.